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$13.89 Original price was: $13.89.$11.11Current price is: $11.11.
Sydney scientist Marcus Hall is developing a radical 5G WiFi receiver for CSIRO With access to secretive Lamarr computer chips this technology promises billions to repair Australias ravaged economyOna caffeine boosted whim he inadvertently discovers a therapeutic breakthrough in neuroscience Or so he thinks

$33.59 Original price was: $33.59.$26.87Current price is: $26.87.
Russia 1946 the Nazis recently defeated Stalin gathers half a dozen of the top Soviet science fiction authors in a dacha in the countryside somewhere Convinced that the defeat of America is only a few years away and equally convinced that the Soviet Union needs a massive external threat to hold it together to give…

$12.02 Original price was: $12.02.$9.62Current price is: $9.62.
The music of Yes indelibly shaped the original sound of progressive rock But the true tale of this landmark band goes well beyond headlinemaking albums likeFragileandClose to the Edge In this book Kevin Mulryne tells the absorbing story of the final Yes album of the 1970sTormato uncovering myriad fascinating twists and turns for the first…

$29.39 Original price was: $29.39.$23.51Current price is: $23.51.
Return to Dwimmerly End the magical walking teashop where Yesterday Crumbs adventures continue With magic in every teacup this is perfect for listeners aged 812 and fans of The Strangeworlds Travel Agency and Starfell Apprentice tea witch Yesterday Crumb is on a mission to find her mother First stop in her search is London to…

$17.24 Original price was: $17.24.$13.79Current price is: $13.79.
Yet Will I Trust Him is more than just a statement said by an ancient Biblical character It is a statement that must be true in everyone who names the name of Jesus It is easy to look at a statement like that and be inspired but it takes on a whole different meaning when…

$4.23 Original price was: $4.23.$3.38Current price is: $3.38.
First recorded in China in the ninth century Yexian is considered by some to be the earliest version of the familiar Cinderella tale in the world

$11.54 Original price was: $11.54.$9.23Current price is: $9.23.
Paula ja Erkki ovat menossa naimisiin Perheess on juhlan aihetta mutta samaan aikaan suru on suuri Paulan is on kaatunut samassa sodassa josta Erkki selviytyi elvn kotiin Paulan iti keksii riidan aihetta asiasta jos toisesta surunsa keskell ja on vielp omin avuinensa siirtnyt tyttrens hit Paula haluaisi vain naimisiin ja pois kotoaMiten nuoren naisen elmn…

$4.77 Original price was: $4.77.$3.82Current price is: $3.82.
El cuento aborda temas como el miedo el prejuicio y el perdn y ofrece una moraleja sobre la importancia de no juzgar a los dems sin conocerlos En tono cmico para el disfrute de los nios

$7.34 Original price was: $7.34.$5.87Current price is: $5.87.
Bo z mioci powstaj kamstwa doskonaePochodzenie czowieka nie musi determinowa jego ycia Jednak Helena bohaterka ksiki myli i czuje inaczej Dlatego postanawia stworzy siebie na nowo Wymyli sobie tosamo ktra pozwoli jej zrzuci brzemi nielubnego dziecka z maej wsi Jej ycie powoli staje si mistyfikacj Nawet najblisi nie wiedz co jest prawd co pozorem a…

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Kun murhat ja rutto saapuvat samaan kaupunkiinRutto on vallannut keisarillisen Kiinan pkaupungin Tappava tauti ei ole kuitenkaan ainoa asia joka hertt asukkaissa pelkoa Kaupungin vanhimpiin ylimystsukuihin kohdistuvat murhat tulkitaan pahoina entein ja tuomari Dee mrtn selvittmn rikosta Kuka haluaa pst vanhan maailman aristokraateista eroonTuomari Dee on salapoliisi joka kohtaa mit jnnittvimpi murhia ja mysteerej 600luvun…

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Herbert Hpn toinen arvoitusYksityisetsiv Herbert Hp on murheissaan sill hnell ei ole ollut kunnon juttua aikoihin Nykypivnhn on kuitenkin trke mainostaa ja ylltten se tuottaakin tulosta Naapurin bodaava portsari Pertti Pskynen pyyt Herbert Hp etsimn kadonneen varjonsa Pian ky ilmi ettei Pertin varjo ole ainoa kadonnut yh useampi varjo katoaa ja lopulta itse Herbertinkin varjo…

$23.09 Original price was: $23.09.$18.47Current price is: $18.47.
Margarita Pasos lder de opinin empresaria conferencista y entrenadora corporativa del Fortune 500 revela cmo pas del pnico la ansiedad y la depresin grave a una vida de felicidad paz y plenitud

$17.24 Original price was: $17.24.$13.79Current price is: $13.79.
Primero Yo Soy Imparable es acerca de ti y de cualquier otra persona que desee mejorar su vida y lograr todos sus sueos y metas Visualzate en la portada junto al logo de Yo Soy Imparable

$31.49 Original price was: $31.49.$25.19Current price is: $25.19.
LPodra decirse que Isaac Asimov el mayor escritor de ciencia ficcin que ha existido posea una de las mentes ms brillantes y creativas del siglo XX Su estilo cuidado y accesible y sus intereses de largo alcance en temas que van desde la ciencia al humor pasando por la historia le valieron el apodo de…

$12.59 Original price was: $12.59.$10.07Current price is: $10.07.
Este libro constituye uno de los documentos ms sorprendentesde la historia el testimonio en primera persona de un asesinoen masa cuyas vctimas se cuentan por millones El autor narrasu vida centrndose sobre todo en su etapa al frente del mayorcampo de exterminio que haya existido AuschwitzBirkenauEstamos ante un libro clsico no por sus virtudes literarias…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Yolanda GarcaYo for shortis the literary one in the family Her first published novel in which she uses as characters practically everyone she knows was a big success Now shes basking in the spotlight while those characters find their very recognizable selves dangling in that same blinding light But turnabout is fair play and so…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Samy Wilde die in Windsor ein neues Leben beginnen mchte kommt einfach nicht zur Ruhe Whrend sie sich den schnen Dingen des Lebens zuwendet und am liebsten Yoga macht wird ihr eine Stelle an der renommierten Universitt von Oxford angeboten Beim Versuch sich Klarheit zu verschaffen ob sie bereit fr einen neuen Berufsalltag ist stolpert…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Brett translates the magic of ancient yoga for those who need it most James Nestor New York Timesbestselling author of Breath Overwhelmed Overscheduled Want to access the benefits of yoga but cant seem to make it to the mat Beat stress with a yoga ritual that works for you in 20minutes or less Featuring adaptations…

$17.24 Original price was: $17.24.$13.79Current price is: $13.79.
Achieving inner peace doesnt require intense physical exertion or complex meditation practicesYoga Nidra is a state of deep consciousness that promotes intense relaxation and selfdiscovery Yoga Nidra can foster tranquility and calm amidst the everyday chaos of the modern world

$11.39 Original price was: $11.39.$9.11Current price is: $9.11.
Embark on a transformative journey with the Yoga Nidra The Art of Relaxation amp Beyond audiobook Explore deep relaxation techniques inner exploration and personal transformation through ancient practices Delve into the hypnagogic state reshape your personality and harness the power of Sankalpa for positive change Join us to unlock the potential of your mind and…