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Showing 18341–18360 of 18545 results

$10.47 Original price was: $10.47.$8.38Current price is: $8.38.
Looking for that critical edge in your presentations Learn how to engage connect and inspire with this unique and powerful approachAre you a presenter searching for a blueprint to wow bosses and clients Longing to convey information in a longterm and meaningful way Do you have great ideas but struggle to move peers to action…

$2.29 Original price was: $2.29.$1.83Current price is: $1.83.
X Marks the Pedwalk by Fritz Leiber This is how it all beganthe terrible civil strife that devastates our world

$33.59 Original price was: $33.59.$26.87Current price is: $26.87.
For three decades one of the most secretive units in the British military has been a mystery force known as X Platoon Officially there was no X Platoon The forty men in its elite number were specially selected from across the Armed Forces at which point they simply ceased to exist X Platoon had no…

$33.59 Original price was: $33.59.$26.87Current price is: $26.87.
Xanthe loves visiting her grandmother in her towerblock flat with its lush rooftop garden And when Nani is diagnosed with dementia Xanthe is determined to help her remember who she is and her family history A mysterious cat leads Xanthe to some unexpected answers secret mementoes from Nanis past reveal her as a girl who…

$9.44 Original price was: $9.44.$7.55Current price is: $7.55.
When this curvy girl meets the man of her dreams out pops everything but the truth about who she is Oh boy Xavier Grimes Getting into an accident on my first day in Silver Spoon Falls wasnt part of my plan The spunky little spitfire who hit me certainly wasnt I dont have time for…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Xeda was once a lethal warrior of the Blood Guard A captive to a world without alliances where the powerful elite seeks to twist him into a deadly fighter for their sinister games Refusing to be tamed Xeda instills terror in the hearts of all those around him All except one A human female who…

$16.85 Original price was: $16.85.$13.48Current price is: $13.48.
Hardcore horror fans should find this bloodsplattered novel highly satisfying Stephen Kings Cujo meets Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds Paul Goat Allen BlueInk Review

$21.21 Original price was: $21.21.$16.97Current price is: $16.97.
XOXO ist eine moderne VerboteneLiebeGeschichte in der glamoursen und exklusiven Welt des KPop CelloWunderkind Jenny hat ein einziges Ziel in eine prestigetrchtige Musikschule aufgenommen zu werden Als sie in der KaraokeBar ihres Onkels in Los Angeles den geheimnisvollen und attraktiven Jaewoo kennenlernt ist klar dass er genau die Art von Junge ist die ihre sorgfltig…

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The beloved Peloton instructorchronicles his journey from smalltown North Carolina to New York City stardom in an empowering story that reveals his secret to success not taking yourselfor lifetoo seriously Reading XOXO Cody is like hanging out with that friend who makes you laugh and can open up their heart to…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
A stunning spy story incomparable The Guardian Its 1979 and a group of former SS officers are devising a plan to seize power in West Germany XPD is a brilliant novel constructed around a supposition that Churchill secretly met with Hitler in 1940 to discuss terms of a British surrender British agent Boyd Stuart is…

$19.94 Original price was: $19.94.$15.95Current price is: $15.95.
Insolentelo miro malBorde me contesta con chuleraArrogante Achico mis ojos para darle ms nfasisQu esperar cuando tienes tu vida planteada Ni los buenos son tan buenos ni los malos tan malos Un dicho que nunca fallaPatricia junto a su nuevo amor Eduardo intentan construir un futuro que ambos desean desde hace mucho tiempo Ella creedora…

$4.60 Original price was: $4.60.$3.68Current price is: $3.68.
El pequeo Juan Pablo que ha emprendido una importante misin la de ayudar al planeta reduciendo la basura que generamos Con la ayuda de su perro y fiel amigo Taco comenzar a cambiar muchas cosas primero en su casa despus en su colonia y al final transformar el mundo entero Acompaa a Juan Pablo y…

$20.69 Original price was: $20.69.$16.55Current price is: $16.55.
Surreal hilarious and shrewdly poignanta novel about a Korean American woman living in Berlin whose obsession with a Kpop idol sends her to Seoul on a journey of literary selfdestruction

$15.26 Original price was: $15.26.$12.21Current price is: $12.21.
Its 2336 and the future needs heroes They must reach back in time to find them What if they come for you In 2336 there is no war no pollution no disease no crimebut utopia has a price

$5.24 Original price was: $5.24.$4.19Current price is: $4.19.
Bir oda Antika saatler Karantina Umut glgeler astronotlar ve hamam bcekleriOkurken siz de iindesiniz aslnda o odann Tularna basma isteinize engel olamadnz piyano kokusu burnunuza gelen hlamur aac ve tm bu yaama dair eyalarn arasnda varln durmakszn hissettiren yalnzlk ve lmUzun sre ktphanede yaam bir hamam bceinin kendinden emin cmlesi Yansmalar asllar gibi asla olamazGerekten…

$3.14 Original price was: $3.14.$2.51Current price is: $2.51.
Do czego moe doprowadzi dyskusja pomidzy ojcem alkoholikiem a synem nieudacznikiemycie psa na balkonie to obraz naiwnoci pokoleniowej o ktr ocieramy si kadego dnia To rozmowa ktra udowadnia e nieustannie tkwimy w bdnym przewiadczeniu o waciwoci wasnych ideaw i wasnej rzeczywistoci W kocu to opowie o mieszkaniu zduszonym w smrodzie pustych butelek po wdce przykrytym…

$6.29 Original price was: $6.29.$5.03Current price is: $5.03.
Przewrotne opowiadania o tym e najwiksz niespodziank w yciu jest samo ycieWdkarz ktrego nad brzegiem rzeki dopada grupa urzdnikw Dwch samobjcw pojawiajcych si w tej samej chwili na jedynym w okolicy mocie Kobieta dla ktrej prawdziwym sensem ycia jest karmienie gobi I pewien zupenie nietypowy wampirTo tylko niektrzy bohaterowie opowiada Anny Laszczki W tomie ycie…

$14.94 Original price was: $14.94.$11.95Current price is: $11.95.
Milton Cujo Quattlebaum died on the side of mountain in Mexico Or so Abel Yeager believed Then Victor Ruiz gets a call from the State Department The pilot is alive and incarcerated in a Mexican prison

$14.94 Original price was: $14.94.$11.95Current price is: $11.95.
After a number of earthquakes hammer the Sierra Madre region of Mexico Grupo Verdugo a splinter group of cartel enforcers takes control of the drug shipping routes through that territory Caught in the middle a small orphanage high in the mountains desperate for supplies to care for the children and the battered earthquake victims reaches…

$27.29 Original price was: $27.29.$21.83Current price is: $21.83.
Have you ever bunged it onBehaved like a drongoAdded mayo to a storyLost your Reg Grundies Join bestselling storyteller William McInnes as he offers his own take on our colourful and colloquial way with words From the simpler times of childhood to todays testing and unprecedented times or when were wasting time enjoying sporting times…