
Showing 241–260 of 18545 results

  • Sale!

    A los patrones Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.29.Current price is: $1.83.

    Alcohlicos Annimos tambin conocido como el Libro Grande presenta el programa de AA de recuperacin del alcoholismo Publicado por primera vez en 1939 su finalidad era ensearles a otros alcohlicos cmo se recuperaron los primeros cien miembros de AA Ha sido traducido a ms de setenta idiomas y sigue siendo considerado el texto bsico de…

  • Sale!

    A los Pies del Maestro Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.29.Current price is: $5.03.

    A los Pies del Maestro es un breve libro considerado una joya espiritual que presenta las enseanzas esenciales de Jiddu Krishnamurti Aunque se public en 1911 cuando Krishnamurti era solo un adolescente el libro contiene sabidura profunda sobre el camino espiritual La obra presenta un dilogo entre un joven discpulo llamado Alcione y su maestro…

  • Sale!

    A Love Discovered Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The heart finds its way when one least expects iteven in the most unforgiving frontiersInvited by a friend to trek west and help establish the newly formed town of Cheyenne Edward Vogel is prepared to leave the haunting memories of his wife and sons deaths behind him The only problem is the corrupt new railroad…

  • Sale!

    A Love Like That Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    After my wife died I never expected to fall in love again let alone with her much younger sister Elles too young for me though Too vibrant and cheerful to be saddled with a grumpy widower and two little kids Besides shes only here for a few months before she moves on to follow her…

  • Sale!

    A Madman’s Will Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Few legal cases in American history are as riveting as the controversy surrounding the will of Virginia Senator John Randolph 17731833 whichalmost inexplicablyfreed all 383 of his slaves in one of the largest and most publicized manumissions in American history So famous is the case that TaNehisi Coates has used it to condemn Randolphs cousin…

  • Sale!

    A Manual for How to Love Us Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    A debut interlinked collection of stories exploring the primal nature of womens griefoffering insight into the profound experience of loss and the absurd ways in which we seek control in an unruly world

  • Sale!

    A Marriage To Murder For Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.04.Current price is: $17.63.

    A thrilling murder mystery that kept me turning the pages Well worth a read TA Williams The high society wedding

  • Sale!

    A Master Class on Being Human Audiobook

    Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.

    A conversation between 2 eminent Black thinkers on how to work together to make the world a better place despite deep religious differences Brad Braxton and Anthony Pinn represent two traditionsChristianity and Secular Humanism respectivelythat have for centuries existed in bitter opposition For too long people with different worldviews have disparaged and harmed one another…

  • Sale!

    A Matrimonial Murder Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Some people will kill for the perfect match Radhi has a new crime to solve The body of the assistant at Temple Hills top matchmaker is found sprawled next to a heavy bronze statue of the Natarajathe god of dance But was she the intended victim or was it her boss Sarla Sarla reckons shes…

  • Sale!

    A Matter Of Trust Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    From Trumans remark to now it has been a long journey India and the United States which share common values and should have been friends found themselves caught in a cycle of resentment and mistrust for the first few decades following Indian independence In A Matter of Trust Meenakshi Ahamed reveals the personal prejudices and…

  • Sale!

    A Memoir of My Former Self Audiobook

    Original price was: $34.64.Current price is: $27.71.

    Throughout short sentences give pause descriptions invite and all make listeners appreciate and miss the genius of the late Mantel AudioFileTHE FINAL BOOK FROM ONE OF OUR GREATEST WRITERS In addition to her celebrated career as a novelist Hilary Mantel contributed for years to newspapers and journals unspooling stories from her own life and illuminating…

  • Sale!

    A menina sem cor – Abridged Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    Uma amizade surpreendente entre Mimi uma criana adotada em busca de identidade e Olvia uma encantadora garotinha albina revela lies valiosas sobre aceitao e diferenaMimi uma criana adotada fez uma descoberta impactante aos seis anos quando questionou seus pais sobre a diferena em sua tonalidade de pele Esse momento desencadeou reflexes sobre as cores da…

  • Sale!

    A Message in the Moon Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

    This heartwarming audiobook illustrates the unique relationship between children and their parents and how this special love connects them always from near or farfrom Emmynominated actress producer and New York Times bestselling author Roma Downey Oh Moon moon moon that shines so brightPlease send this message farSo all will know that they are lovedNo matter…

  • Sale!

    A Messy Murder Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Ellen Curtisprofessional declutterer amateur sleuth and woman of a certain ageinvestigates the puzzling death of a TV personality whos past his prime

  • Sale!

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.59.Current price is: $3.67.

    Maria Krestovskaya demonstrates her incredibly astute understanding of human mind as she gives us a unique glimpse into the mental turmoils associated with one boys first love

  • Sale!

    A Million Pieces Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    The weight of the world sits heavy on my shoulders The men in my life have left me broken and bruised I know that I have to dig deep to find the strength to pick up the pieces and move on However there is just one problem or one man standing in my way Hank…

  • Sale!

    A Modern Cinderella Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.45.Current price is: $8.36.

    A Modern Cinderella is a collection of four short stories by Louisa May Alcott the author of Little Women Like her more famous novels Alcott tells stories of young women interacting with people and events from the late 1800s Louisa May Alcott bestows a truly amusing and thoroughly modern retelling of The Brothers Grimms Cinderella…

  • Sale!

    A Monstrous Regiment of Women Audiobook

    Original price was: $28.34.Current price is: $22.67.

    Winner of the Nero Wolfe Award It is 1921 and Mary RussellSherlock Holmess brilliant apprentice now an Oxford graduate with a degree in theologyis on the verge of acquiring a sizable inheritance Independent at last with a passion for divinity and detective work her most baffling mystery may now involve Holmes and the burgeoning of…

  • Sale!

    A Most Agreeable Murder Audiobook

    Original price was: $33.59.Current price is: $26.87.

    If you grew up reading Jane Austen and Agatha Christie or are a fan of the more recent Bridgerton and Knives Out you will adore A Most Agreeable Murder Kate StaymanLondon bestselling author of One to Watch A delightfully entertaining debut Be prepared to laugh out loud at the comedy gasp at the murder mystery…

  • Sale!

    A Mother’s Blood Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.93.Current price is: $8.74.

    Cancer cure hijacked for evil A doctor discovers that his mothers worldrenowned female cancer treatment has an intentional sideeffect He solves the moral dilemma with tragic consequences and becomes embroiled in a deeper conspiracy