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Showing 141–160 of 419 results

$13.60 Original price was: $13.60.$10.88Current price is: $10.88.
In this audiobook for young listeners Jim Weiss thrillingly narrates his adaptation of three of the worlds greatest adventures each featuring a quest for wisdom and a famous character Theseus Prometheus and Odin Includes Theseus and the Minotaur Prometheus Bringer of Fire and more

$15.00 Original price was: $15.00.$12.00Current price is: $12.00.
WINNER OF THE NAACP IMAGE AWARD A fun and thoughtful dictionary of Black language you didnt know you needed Historically Black Phrases is a love letter to the Black community and the ways it drives culture This perfect blend of explanation definition and social commentary will have you laughing while learningGeorge M Johnson New York…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
The relationship between race and capitalism is one of the most enduring and controversial historical debates The concept of racial capitalism offers a way out of this impasse Racial capitalism is not simply a permutation phase or stage in the larger history of capitalismsince the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade and the colonization of…

$31.45 Original price was: $31.45.$25.16Current price is: $25.16.
Silencing and punishing critical voices is a project that lies at the heart of Narendra Modis authoritarian regime in India The BJPs political dream is clear to achieve the ethnonationalist aim of an exclusively Hindu India while targeting anyone who dares to question or dissent

$20.64 Original price was: $20.64.$16.51Current price is: $16.51.
If You Want to Be Able to Decode MicroExpressions Listen to Actions That Speak Louder Than Words and Protect Yourself From Dark Psychology Then Keep Listening This comprehensive guide combines the wisdom of two powerful audiobooks to equip you with a holistic understanding of human behavior nonverbal communication and the art of influence

$16.04 Original price was: $16.04.$12.83Current price is: $12.83.
If You Want to Unlock the Hidden Depths of Human Behavior and Gain Unparalleled Insight Into the Minds of Others Then Keep Listening Have you always wanted to understand what makes people tick

$17.87 Original price was: $17.87.$14.30Current price is: $14.30.
How do we define patriotism in a diverse society What divides us and what brings us together Why do we feel uncomfortable celebrating our countrys history How to be a Patriot offers a new way of understanding our collective identity in a country wracked by division and brimming with markers of selfhood faith race gender…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
What would it be like if you were transported back to Athens 420 BCE This timetravelers guide is a fascinating way to find out Imagine you were transported back in time to Ancient Greece and you had to start a new life there What would you see How would the people around you think and…

$8.04 Original price was: $8.04.$6.43Current price is: $6.43.
Firearmsrelated incidents kill more than 45000 people in the US every year and are the leading cause of death for US children and adolescents But talking about guns doesnt have to be scary or divisive With this easytoread and politicsfree guide you can arm yourself with the facts and strategies to calmly discuss firearms laws…

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Vatsaa kivist ja posket punoittavat Hpen tunne on sek tuskallisen yksityinen ett kaikille tuttuHpen kokemus ja pelko on ohjannut ihmisten kyttytymist halki vuosisatojen Aikoinaan Egyptiss yritettiin sopeutua kauneusihanteisiin poistamalla ihokarvoja ja keskiajan Euroopassa hpen pelttiin tarttuvan ihmisest toiseen Vaikka hpe vltelln toisten kokemana se mys kiehtoo Hpiseminen onkin ollut osa niin 1800luvun freak show esityksi…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Una coleccin de testimonios desgarradores sobre la generacin perdida afectada por la violencia del crimen organizado y el narcotrfico

$24.00 Original price was: $24.00.$19.20Current price is: $19.20.
Incisive and compelling reflecting the painful wisdom and knowledge that Bill Ong Hing has accrued over the course of fifty years Michelle Alexander author of The New Jim Crow First book to argue that immigrant and refugee rights are part of the fight for racial justice offers a humanitarian approach to reform and abolition Representing…

$14.26 Original price was: $14.26.$11.41Current price is: $11.41.
Incendiary feminist and bestselling author Clementine Ford presents the inarguable case against marriage for the modern woman Provocative controversial and above all compellingly and persuasively argued I want this book to end marriages But more importantly I want it to prevent marriages Women are allowed to aspire to more than what weve been told we…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Being Black in a society developed by white men to benefit white men means constantly pushing back against systems that were not constructed for your flourishing White privilege White cultural norms White beauty standards White noise Youre made to feel that your life doesnt matter your opinions arent valid and your entire existence is too…

$11.05 Original price was: $11.05.$8.84Current price is: $8.84.
Unsere Gesellschaft befindet sich in einer Identittskrise Alle Systeme die Sicherheit Zukunft und Gerechtigkeit versprachen scheinen versagt zu haben und nun herrschen Zweifel und Verunsicherung Identittskrisen haben einen schrecklichen Ruf Sie sind anstrengend fr alle Beteiligten Doch sie sind unbedingt notwendig denn nur so knnen sich Menschen und Gesellschaften weiterentwickelnAlice Hasters stellt sich den grten…

$31.50 Original price was: $31.50.$25.20Current price is: $25.20.
Tonight across America countless people will embark on an adventure They will prowl among overgrown headstones in forgotten graveyards stalk through darkened woods and wildlands and creep down the crumbling corridors of abandoned buildings They have set forth in search of a profound paranormal experience and may seem to achieve just that They are part…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Being prolife means that not only do we see abortion as a murder but we also see our apathy against injustice toward outside of the womb as a coconspirator in the fight for life It means that we fight for racial equality It means that we love the woman walking into the abortion clinic passionately…

$16.79 Original price was: $16.79.$13.43Current price is: $13.43.
Heaven is multiethnic Are you ready for that The Bible tells us that the congregation gathered around Gods heavenly throne will be a vast multitude from every nation tribe people and language all singing the praises of the Lamb Gods intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a redeemed community of ethnic…

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
Eine Gebudesprengung die das Leben aller Beteiligten verndert Als der schwerverletzte Stephan unter den Trmmern eines Einkaufscenters gefunden wird ist schnell klar dass er hier sein Leben lassen sollte Seine seltene Blutgruppe ABO und die erschreckenden Verletzungen die auf einen langen Leidensweg hindeuten stellen die rzte vor groe Herausforderungen Keine Papiere kein Familienname keine Krankenversicherung…

$28.34 Original price was: $28.34.$22.67Current price is: $22.67.
In this groundbreaking classic essay collection Alice Walker speaks out as a Black woman writer mother and feminist on topics ranging from the personal to the political