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Showing 381–400 of 419 results

$40.94 Original price was: $40.94.$32.75Current price is: $32.75.
A pioneering and fundamental Timothy Snyder new history of Ukraine from one of its leading public intellectuals When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 the world witnessed the creative freewheeling darkly humorous and deeply resilient society that is contemporary UkraineIn this timely and original history a bestseller in Ukraine the historian Yaroslav Hrytsak tells the sweeping…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
In an awesome meeting of minds cultural theorists Stuart Hall and bell hooks met for a series of wideranging conversations on what Hall sums up as life love death sex From the trivial to the profound across boundaries of age sexualities and genders hooks and Hall dissect topics and themes of continual contemporary relevance including…

$36.74 Original price was: $36.74.$29.39Current price is: $29.39.
Im not homeless this is my homeNick points to the branches of the hornbeam under which we are standing its leaves still glistening in the aftermath of the morning rain On one of the lower branches sits a robin joining our conversation It seems to be saying Why should anyone want to leave this place

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Together we can change the conversationand change the world Were often left in deadend debates on racial tensions foolishly expecting solutions from a culture obsessed with canceling and dividing But what if the church could create a more effective dialogue For over two decades Skot Welch has been a key advisor on diversity and inclusion…

$6.89 Original price was: $6.89.$5.51Current price is: $5.51.
Unicorns are made of dreams and enchantments They are some of the most beloved mythical beings and very common motifs that we still come across today In this book we will go through the history of unicorns from ancient times to the medieval time period and renaissance

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
How bitches trainwrecks shrews and crazy women have taken over pop culture and liberated women from having to be nice Female characters throughout history have been burdened by the moral trap that is likeability Any woman who dares to reveal her messy side has been treated as a cautionary tale Today unlikeable female characters are…

$17.84 Original price was: $17.84.$14.27Current price is: $14.27.
Presentation of the objectives of the book and the proposal to offer an alternative perspective to The Power of HabitWelcome to the book Unveiling Habits An Alternative Approach to The Power of Habit Book In this work we embark on a journey of exploring and questioning traditional theories about habits presenting an alternative perspective to…

$5.09 Original price was: $5.09.$4.07Current price is: $4.07.
Damian longs for home but one man stands in his way Damian is just seven when he is taken in by foster carer Cathy Glass His mother Rachel loves her three young children dearly but she is vulnerable naive and unable to cope on her own Cathy sets about helping Damian overcome his eating issues…

$17.50 Original price was: $17.50.$14.00Current price is: $14.00.
NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST The definitive takedown of fatphobia drawing on personal experience as well as rigorous research to expose how size discrimination harms everyone and how to combat itfrom the acclaimed author of Down Girl and Entitled An elegant fierce and profound argument for fighting fat oppression in ourselves our communities and our cultureRoxane…

$28.69 Original price was: $28.69.$22.95Current price is: $22.95.
Have you ever wondered about the hidden motivations and complexities behind human behavior Are you eager to unravel the enigmatic world of dark psychology and gain a deeper understanding of the human psyche If you answered yes to any of the questions above then keep reading

$4.19 Original price was: $4.19.$3.35Current price is: $3.35.
Booker Taliaferro Washington was born in a southern plantation He was a son of a black slave woman and unknown white man His mother worked as a cook in a house of plantation owners In childhood he idnt have a surname as other slaves but after the American Civil War that set the black slaves…

$18.89 Original price was: $18.89.$15.11Current price is: $15.11.
Shares traditional veneration rites and practices to connect with your ancestors including limpia rites trance journeys energy work and sacred gardening Explores ancestral altarmaking practices sacred tools for altars and how to invite your ancestors to take an active role in intervening on your behalf Describes the deification process of esteemed ancestors and how this…

$17.84 Original price was: $17.84.$14.27Current price is: $14.27.
Qu es la violencia obsttrica Por qu est tan normalizada Cmo prevenirla y qu hacer para detenerla En este libro se encuentran todas las respuestas y tambin las soluciones

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
The weather governs our lives It fills gaps in conversations determines our dress and influences our architecture No matter how much our lives may have moved indoors no matter how much we may rely on technology we still monitor the weather Wait Five Minutes Weatherlore in the TwentyFirst Century draws from folkloric literary and scientific…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
From the start the War on Drugs targeted Black Brown and Indigenous Americans already disadvantaged by a system stacked against them Even now as white Americans who largely escaped the fire capitalize on the legalization movement and a booming cannabis industry their less fortunate peers continue to suffer the consequences of the systemic racism in…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
The cofounder of BET and first African American woman billionaire shares her deeply personal highly readable Kirkus Reviews journey through love and loss tragedy and triumphan inspiring story of overcoming toxic influences discovering her true self and at last finding happiness in her work and life From humble beginnings as a schoolgirl and a young…

$21.21 Original price was: $21.21.$16.97Current price is: $16.97.
Just in time alles sofort und immer in Bewegung es ist hchste Zeit fr eine neue Kultur des Wartens die sich dem Rausch der Beschleunigung widersetzt Warten gilt als uncool Wer warten muss ist arm und arm dran Privilegiert sind diejenigen die sofort an der Reihe sind und alles sofort bekommen Materielles sowieso aber auch…

$8.39 Original price was: $8.39.$6.71Current price is: $6.71.
Kennen Sie das auch Jemand den Sie gut kennen glaubt pltzlich an Theorien welche Sie nur schwer nachvollziehen knnen Die offizielle Version der Medien oder Regierung wird angezweifelt Dieser Zweifel wird mit teils skurrilen teils aber auch schlssigen Geschichten belegt Wie soll man hierbei diskutieren ohne dass es im Streit endetWie entstehen solche Theorien berhaupt…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Based on ethnographic observations and interviews with prisoners correctional officers and civilian staff conducted in solitary confinement units Way Down in the Hole explores the myriad ways in which daily intimate interactions between those locked up twentyfour hours a day and the correctional officers charged with their care custody and control produce and reproduce hegemonic…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
What we learn when an anthropologist and a historian talk about food From the origins of agriculture to contemporary debates over culinary authenticity Ways of Eating introduces listeners to world food history and food anthropology Through engaging stories and historical deep dives Benjamin A Wurgaft and Merry I White offer new ways to understand food…