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$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Dr Michael Baden has been involved in some of the most highprofile civil rights and police brutality cases in United States history from the governments 1976 reinvestigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr to the 2014 death of Michael Brown whose case sparked the initial Ferguson protests that grew into the Black Lives…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Power Fear Violence These three idols of Christian nationalism are corrupting American Christianity Andrew Whitehead is a leading scholar on Christian nationalism in America and speaks widely on its effects within Christian communities In this book he shares his journey and reveals how Christian nationalism threatens the spiritual lives of American Christians and the church…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Fox News star Lawrence Jones delivers the common sense book America needs more than ever in this definitive takedown of the lefts neverending attacks on masculinity A generation ago it was understood that men and womenwereuniqueyet interdependent and designed by God to be that way Today the woke crowd wants you to believe masculinity is…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Recent studies have found that as many as one in five Americans have experimented with some form of sexual nonmonogamy and approximately one in fifteen knows someone who was or is polyamorous The mainstream media has increasingly covered polyamorous lifestyles and the committed relationships of throuples and dating apps have added polyamory as a status…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
The first telling of the unknown story of Americas twohundredyear history as a slavetrading nation A total of 305000 enslaved Africans arrived in the New World aboard American vessels over a span of two hundred years as American merchants and mariners sailed to Africa and to the Caribbean to acquire and sell captives Using exhaustive…

$14.51 Original price was: $14.51.$11.61Current price is: $11.61.
Brought to you by Penguin Barack Obamas election in 2008 was a moment of true unabashed hope But after two terms shadowed by a growing white supremacist movement Obama was replaced by an openly nativist administration So what the hell happened In Whitelash Wesley Lowery places a decade of American carnage in historical context uncovering…

$5.99 Original price was: $5.99.$4.79Current price is: $4.79.
Among the Brosis a harrowing and disturbing book I have read about fraternity life but nothing like this This book will blow your mind each page digging deeper into the unimaginable Except every word is trueBuzz Bissinger 1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Mosquito BowlandFriday Night Lights

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Our seduction into beliefs in competition scarcity and acquisition are producing too many casualties We need to depart a kingdom that creates isolation polarized debate an exhausted planet and violence that comes with the will to empire The abbreviation of this empire is called a consumer culture We think the freemarket ideology that surrounds us…

$9.86 Original price was: $9.86.$7.89Current price is: $7.89.
Chosen as a 2023 nonfiction highlight in the Guardian Financial Times New Statesman The Tablet and Irish Times While for generations Polly Toynbees ancestors have been committed leftwing rabblerousers railing against injustice they could never claim to be working class settling instead for the prosperous life of academia or journalism enjoyed by their own forebears…

$27.50 Original price was: $27.50.$22.00Current price is: $22.00.
Anintroduction to the nonfascist life Michel Foucault from the Preface When it first appeared in France AntiOedipus was hailed as a masterpiece by some and a work of heretical madness by others In it Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari set forth the following theory Western societys innate herd instinct has allowed the government the media…

$15.63 Original price was: $15.63.$12.50Current price is: $12.50.
Brought to you by Penguin A dazzlingly original reassessment of womens stories bodies and art and how we think about them For decades feminist artists have confronted the problem of how to tell the truth about their experiences as bodies Queer bodies sick bodies racialised bodies female bodies what is their language what are the…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Why some of the most vulnerable communities in Europe from independent cities to new monarchies welcomed refugees during the Age of Revolutions and prospered Driven from their homelands refugees from ancient times to the present have sought asylum in worlds turned upside down Theirs is an ageold story So too are the solutions to their…

$13.26 Original price was: $13.26.$10.61Current price is: $10.61.
Dieses Buch ist der Aufruf zu einer neuen Klarheit des Denkens Denn die Probleme von morgen knnen wir nicht mit der Denkweise und Philosophie von gestern bekmpfen Wenn die wichtigsten politischen und philosophischen Errungenschaften der Aufklrung Demokratie Menschenrechte evidenzbasiertes Denken berleben sollen mssen wir eine Lebensweise und ein Verstndnis der Welt entwickeln die dem menschlichen…

$23.09 Original price was: $23.09.$18.47Current price is: $18.47.
Pentridge was a place of murder and mayhem A bluestone hell The worst prison Australia has ever seen Andrew Kirby former inmate

$6.89 Original price was: $6.89.$5.51Current price is: $5.51.
Autumn was a magical time in Finland Latvia Lithuania and Estonia Estonia and Finland belong to the same language family FinnoUgric languages but the similarities of these old autumn time festivals in these four countries are strikingly similar

$17.50 Original price was: $17.50.$14.00Current price is: $14.00.
While the Puranas mention that Lord Brahma becomes an avatar whenever Lord Vishnu comes to Earth to establish dharma it is in the Dasam Granth one of the holy books of the Sikhs that the avatars are actually listed The common point in Hinduism and Sikhism regarding the avatars of Brahma is that they are…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Bad Things addresses various philosophical questions about the nature and moral relevance of harm The most basic question is this under what conditions does an event harm a given individual Neil Feit focuses primarily on the metaphysics of harm and he both defends and extends the counterfactual comparative account of harm On this account in…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
A collection of essays that discusses such issues as the media immigration the minimum wage and multiculturalism

$17.50 Original price was: $17.50.$14.00Current price is: $14.00.
DEI consultant and corporate speaker Risha Grant shares her practice of learning how to welcome and embrace peoples full humanity without BS full stop Whats BS Its bullshit for sure but more specifically its the powerful and often invisible belief systems weve been steeped in since birththe judgment and bias we carry with us that…

$17.80 Original price was: $17.80.$14.24Current price is: $14.24.
Trans woman and screenwriter Tilly Bridges takes you through the trans allegories of the Matrix franchise with deep dives into The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Animatrix The Matrix Revolutions and The Matrix Resurrections tracking one persons transition journeyfrom Thomas Anderson to Neo to Trinity