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$9.99 Original price was: $9.99.$7.99Current price is: $7.99.
E C the old groundskeeper and tennis teacher is like a secretary recording the ideas reflections observations and prayers that come through his life as he goes about his rounds of going to church to work to teaching tennis to playing tennis and to visiting his friends He thinks that God and life bring certain…

$11.50 Original price was: $11.50.$9.20Current price is: $9.20.
January 2021 ten months into the global pandemic Sherry Sidotis mother is diagnosed with terminal cancer so Sherry prioritizes a trip to Manhattan over longawaited emptynesting and her second chance with fianc Jevon With new life blooming and loss looming she is beckoned to answer the question that has haunted her since childhood is freedom…

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
What is grace How does grace work How do I know if Ive ever had an experience of grace in my life For decades readers and students have turned to medical intuitive Caroline Myss for answers to these essential questions In these pages she takes readers on a transformative journey to investigate the holy authority…

$11.49 Original price was: $11.49.$9.19Current price is: $9.19.
This book does not claim anything It holds no promise to change your life or to make things easier It does not pledge to improve your daily routines your way of thinking or performanceAnd yet it changed me

$10.57 Original price was: $10.57.$8.46Current price is: $8.46.
This book is dedicated to the many men who are now or who have been abused by women who treat them in a cruel humiliating disrepectful condescending manner These men often become victims living with a secret shame until it is too late to escape a painful situation without serious consequences

$28.34 Original price was: $28.34.$22.67Current price is: $22.67.
Dennis van Lierop erklrt in seinem neuen Buch wie Sie als Friseur mit Ihrem Salon wieder erfolgreich werden knnen Der Autor schildert an Beispielen aus seiner erfolgreichen Beraterttigkeit welche Stellschrauben Sie justieren knnen und welche Fehler Sie vermeiden sollten Dabei beleuchtet der ausgebildete Friseur bekannte Konflikte und Problemzonen des Handwerks

$12.59 Original price was: $12.59.$10.07Current price is: $10.07.
Auch in den Wechseljahren ist es mglich berschssige Kilos zu verlieren und mit einem besseren Krpergefhl diesen neuen Lebensabschnitt zu genieen

$16.04 Original price was: $16.04.$12.83Current price is: $12.83.
Es hora de liberarte definitivamente de tu pareja txica y aqu te mostramos cmo hacerlo El abuso narcisista y la codependencia en una relacin son ms comunes de lo que piensas Y lo que es peor la mayora de las vctimas ni siquiera se dan cuenta de lo que realmente est sucediendo lo que las…

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
Herzlich willkommen zum Hrbuch Achtsamkeit 3WochenKurs mit 21 gefhrten Meditationen In den nchsten drei Wochen wirst du auf eine transformierende Reise gehen und das wertvolle Geschenk der Achtsamkeit erkunden und kultivieren

$3.14 Original price was: $3.14.$2.51Current price is: $2.51.
Acres of Diamonds essay by writen Russell Herman Conwell February 15 1843 December 6 1925 was an American Baptist minister orator philanthropist lawyer and writerThe original inspiration for Acres of Diamonds his most famous essay occurred in 1869 when Conwell was traveling in the Middle East The work began as a speech at first given…

$16.79 Original price was: $16.79.$13.43Current price is: $13.43.
A new edition of the bestseller that has helped aspiring leaders worldwide advance their careers and step up to larger leadership roles You aspire to lead with greater impact The problem is youre busy executing on todays demands You know you have to carve out time from your day job to build your leadership skills…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Powerfully effective innovative valuesdriven exposures for treating clients with anxiety

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
This program is read by the author Alex Toussaint the rising Peloton star who counts everyone from Roger Federer and the Golden State Warriors to the Today Shows Carson Daly as fans hops off the bike and gives readers the inspiration and motivation they need to activate their greatness in every aspect of their lives…

$4.77 Original price was: $4.77.$3.82Current price is: $3.82.
A life gamer shares her philosophy of life and shows how easy it can be to live gamefully and joyfully

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Addiction and Recovery For Dummies gives you the tools you need to identify and face addiction in yourself or a loved one while working towards a healthy and realistic approach to recovery This book offers a compassionate unbiased and nonjudgmental guide to evaluating and overcoming addiction Youll learn to identify the range of addiction levels…

$17.25 Original price was: $17.25.$13.80Current price is: $13.80.
In Addiction to Happiness A Memoir about Alcoholism Depression and Joy author Phillip Milner takes us on an exciting and adventurous journey through his life from the time when he was 16 years old till now Even today when people meet him and find out his life story they are amazed at how he could…

$10.93 Original price was: $10.93.$8.74Current price is: $8.74.
Te has preguntado alguna vez cul es el impacto real que tienen en tu vida tus emociones creencias y acciones

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
This pioneering book explores the impact of ADHD on a couples sex life and relationship It explains how a better sex life will benefit your relationship and vice versa and why thats especially important for couples with one partner with ADHD Grounded in innovative research ADHD After Dark draws on data from a survey of…

$9.19 Original price was: $9.19.$7.35Current price is: $7.35.
Are you an individual with ADHD who finds it difficult to tidy up and clean your home Do you often feel overwhelmed by the tasks and can never decide where to start Would you like to get your hands on a fast simple proven cleaning system that will empower you to clean your house stressfree…

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Entdecke den ultimativen Ratgeber fr ADHS bei ErwachsenenDir fllt es schwer deinen Fokus fr lngere Zeit zu behalten und du leidest an innerer Unruhe Du vermutest dass ADHS dahinterstecken knnte bist dir aber ber die Bedeutung deiner Symptome noch nicht im klarenWurde bei dir oder einem Angehrigen sogar schon ADS oder ADHS diagnostiziert und du…