Science & Technology

Showing 1361–1369 of 1369 results

  • Sale!

    You Can’t Go Back Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.49.Current price is: $8.39.

    You have to do it everydayAnd I know it will be hard somedays it may feel even impossibleBut you have to believe in yourSelf and I promise youll neverExperience setbacks from theHands of believing in yourself Just get it done

  • Sale!

    Younger for Life Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    A NATIONAL BESTSELLER From bestselling author and belovedsocial media starDrAnthony Youncomes a revolutionary stepbystep guide to reversing the effects of aging at any stage in life Growing older is a blessing But the slow decline and the loss of functionality associated with aging has led us to treat the process like a disease These negative…

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    Your Blueprint for Pleasure Audiobook

    Original price was: $18.98.Current price is: $15.18.

    Worldacclaimed sexologist Jaiya has worked with thousands of clients around the world transforming their relationships and their lives In her debut book she explains that each of us has one of five erotic personality types and to have the fulfilling sex lives we deserve we need to identify which one we are and which one…

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    Your Face Belongs to Us Audiobook

    Original price was: $25.19.Current price is: $20.15.

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2024LONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2023 A parable for our times FINANCIAL TIMESBest Books of 2023 GrippingTHE TIMES Best Technology Books of 2023 What if you could be identified by anyone with just a blurry photo When Kashmir Hill stumbled upon…

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    Your Money or Your Life Audiobook

    Original price was: $13.64.Current price is: $10.91.

    A riveting expos of medical debt collection in Americaand the profound financial and physical costs eroding patient trust in medicine For the crime of falling sick without wealth Americans today face lawsuits wage garnishment home foreclosure and even jail time Yet who really profits from aggressive medical debt collection And how does this predatory system…

  • Sale!

    Your Pocket Therapist Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    From psychotherapist and TikTok personality Dr Annie Zimmerman comes a toolkit to transform yourself and your relationships with advice on how to heal past trauma build sustainable connections and take ownership of your mental health

  • Sale!

    Your Word is Your Wand Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.19.Current price is: $3.35.

    Your Word is Your Wand by Florence Scovel Shinn is a timeless selfhelp classic that delves into the transformative power of words and thoughts in shaping our reality In this beautifully illustrated edition Shinns profound teachings are brought to life through visual elements that enhance the understanding and impact of her wisdomShinn explores the idea…

  • Sale!

    Zarzadzanie i Kierowanie Wlasna Energia Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.40.Current price is: $6.72.

    Okazuje sie ze energia jest znacznie cenniejsza w pracy umyslu w wyobrazni nad tym chcemy urzeczywistnic niz materia To dlatego ze to co zewnetrzne pozostaje poza percepcja czlowieka i nie podlega wladzy jego umyslu W okreslonym stanie swiadomosci umyslu czlowiek jest jednak zdolny uzyskac dostep do tego co w swiecie rzeczywistym wydawaloby sie niedostepneEnergia czlowieka…

  • Sale!

    Zasady Biblioteki Akaszy. Rytualy Modlitwy Medytacje. Audiobook

    Original price was: $7.35.Current price is: $5.88.

    Kronika Akaszy to energetyczne Pole Informacji Wszechswiata w ktrym zanurzone jest wszystko co istnieje przeszlosc przyszlosc i terazniejszosc Jest to bogactwo obfitosci informacji z ktrej kazdy moze czerpac garsciami Czym zatem jest odczyt z Kroniki AkaszyOdczyt z Kroniki Akaszy jest procesem wchodzenia w swiadomy kontakt z energetycznym Polem Uniwersum w ktrym znajduje sie Wielka Biblioteka…