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$17.19 Original price was: $17.19.$13.75Current price is: $13.75.
Albert Einstein is universally regarded as the most brilliant scientist of the 20th century In 1905 during his Miracle Year as a clerk in the Swiss patent office he wrote four papers that revolutionized the field of theoretical physics Over the course of his career Einstein introduced modern science to the concept of spacetime inadvertently…

$4.99 Original price was: $4.99.$3.99Current price is: $3.99.
When ecologist Carl Safina and his wife Patricia took in a neardeath baby owl they expected that like other wild orphans theyd rescued shed be a temporary presence But Alfies feathers were not growing correctly requiring prolonged care As Alfie grew and gained strength she became a part of the family joining a menagerie of…

$17.87 Original price was: $17.87.$14.30Current price is: $14.30.
Best New Books on Space 2024 Forbes Rarely is a nonfiction book about science this engaging Forbes Why darkness is so important to plants to animals and to ourselves and why we must protect it all costs Darkness is the first thing we know in our human existence Safe and warm inside the bubble of…

$11.54 Original price was: $11.54.$9.23Current price is: $9.23.
Als Jrgen Mette whrend eines Fernsehdrehs mehrfach von einem unkontrollierten Zittern berfallen wird ahnt er dass mehr als Klte und Erschpfung dahinterstecken Eine Reihe rztlicher Untersuchungen bringt schlielich die deprimierende Gewissheit Parkinson ist in sein Leben getreten In diesem Hrbuch erzhlt Mette von seinem ereignisreichen Lebenslauf Und nimmt den Leser mit auf eine Reise durch…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Humans have always been fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life often wondering if we are alone in the universe Drawing on nearly fifty years as a leader in planetary exploration Louis Friedman brings into focus the subject of extraterrestrial life separating knowledge from conjecture fact from fiction to draw scientific and technical conclusions that…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Winner of the Indie National Excellence Award for Nonfiction Category Christine discovered long distance backpacking while surfing the internet at work She decided that day to attempt to thruhike the Appalachian Trail One adventure led to another and a few years later she set out on the Wonderland Trail in Mt Rainier National Park Her…

$15.74 Original price was: $15.74.$12.59Current price is: $12.59.
How To Start An Extremely Profitable HomeBased Business With 2000 Or LessGuaranteedWould you like to start your own homebased business that would make you thousands of dollars within 6 months starting with 2000 or less If you answered yes to that this is the most important book you will ever readMy name is Michael Ezeanaka…

$10.45 Original price was: $10.45.$8.36Current price is: $8.36.
Set in the rugged western United States American Lion presents true stories of the majestic North American cougar told by people who experienced the cat up close From the Rock Creek Canyon battle of the killer lion and shepherd dog to the invisible guest in the hay loft these encounters are sometimes terrifying often heartwarming…

$17.80 Original price was: $17.80.$14.24Current price is: $14.24.
In An End to Upside Down Medicine Mark Gober dives into fundamental beliefs about health and disease These beliefs are so fundamental in fact that most of us probably havent thought to question them For example do bacteria cause disease or are they part of the bodys cleanup crew that appears at the scene of…

$7.94 Original price was: $7.94.$6.35Current price is: $6.35.
25 of the royalties of this book will be donated to Dr Seyfrieds research See KetoforCancernetThis research will actually make a real impact as it studies the real causes and treatment opportunities of cancer

$13.79 Original price was: $13.79.$11.03Current price is: $11.03.
Discover the intricate wonders of the human body with Anatomy and Physiology For Students the definitive collegelevel guide tailored specifically for life science and allied health majors

$17.25 Original price was: $17.25.$13.80Current price is: $13.80.
This is a story of a Marungu as the white tribe is termed by the Shona whos ancestry go back in Africa six generations brought up in Rhodesia then left in 1964 at 18 yrs old to join the Queens Royal Navy He was asked to leave when UDI was declared Ian Smiths Unilateral Declaration…

$5.24 Original price was: $5.24.$4.19Current price is: $4.19.
She is the most influential American youve never heard of Because of her gifts and grit the United States boasts the worlds preeminent biomedical research institution She was a quick study a brilliant networker and a formidable figure She called herself a citizen advocate and she advocated for the health of the nation This is…

$25.19 Original price was: $25.19.$20.15Current price is: $20.15.
Angry Cripples werden behinderte Menschen abfllig genannt denen vorgeworfen wird aufgrund ihrer Behinderung verbittert zu sein Dieses Hrbuch fordert den Begriff zurck und besetzt ihn neu Es kommen ausschlielich behinderte Menschen zu Wort und viele von ihnen sind wtend darber wie die Gesellschaft mit ihnen umgeht Zu Recht Hier verschaffen sie sich Gehr um eine…

$18.99 Original price was: $18.99.$15.19Current price is: $15.19.
Why do birds have regional accents Can horses learn maths What do animals without eyes see Questions such as these have fascinated scientists and animal lovers alike long before ethology the study of animal behaviour became recognised as a science in the 1970s Now as issues of conservation and welfare dominate the field an understanding…

$16.99 Original price was: $16.99.$13.59Current price is: $13.59.
In this illuminating tour of humanity Joy Hendry and Simon Underdown reveal the origins of our species and the fabric of human society through the discipline of anthropology Via fascinating case studies and discoveries they unravel our understanding of human behaviours and beliefs including how witchcraft has been used to justify misfortune and debunk oldfashioned…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Are we born with our fears or do we learn them Why do our fears persist What purpose does anxiety serve How common are anxiety disorders and which treatments are most effective Whats happening in our brain when we feel fear And what are Colombian worry dolls This Very Short Introduction draws on the best…

$9.36 Original price was: $9.36.$7.49Current price is: $7.49.
Knowing what the Bible says about fear doesnt always help us feel less anxious Prayer does not always help either This book explores the spiritual practices and scriptures that can counteract how anxiety works in the brain When facing anxiety some forms of prayer are more helpful than others for each person This is true…

$22.04 Original price was: $22.04.$17.63Current price is: $17.63.
Do you have a constant anxiety to please others especially those at the centre of your life parents partner etcDo you think you dont have the right to claim what will satisfy you eroticallyDo you often downplay and embellish your partners faults and flawsDo you do favors for others in the secret hope that they…

$1.15 Original price was: $1.15.$0.92Current price is: $0.92.
This isnt an apology Its a journey back to ancient Athens for a thrilling courtroom drama with Socrates life on the line