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Esta obra es un ejercicio multisensorial para que te conectes de nuevo con tu nio interior descubriendo e integrando sus heridas
Epicteto foi um conferencista que no deixou escritos filosficos Felizmente os aspectos principais de sua filosofia foram preservados para as geraes futuras por um de seus dedicados alunos o historiador Flvio Arriano Arriano transcreveu meticulosamente em grego um nmero considervel de palestras de seu mestre para um amigo Essas palestras conhecidas como os Discursos ou…
Bridges the gap between AI and neuroscience by telling the story of how the brain came to be I found this book amazing Daniel Kahneman Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and bestselling author of Thinking Fast amp Slow The entirety of the human brains 4billionyear story can be summarised as the culmination of…
The untold story of rural Britain revealed through its artefacts A really lovely fascinating book I dived straight into this clever joyous celebration of nature history and of course the countryside Charles Spencer author of The White Ship For most of human history we were rural folk Our daily lives were bound up with working…
THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Scientific Americans 1 Book for 2023 A New York Times Book Review Editors Choice A Times Best Science and Environment Book of 2023 Helpfully pulls back the curtain on some of the lesserdiscussed challenges to humanitys offEarth pursuits Any reader enthusiastic about space settlement will find much to appreciate…
The New York TimesbestsellerA glistening psychological history faceted largely by the biographies of eight famous leaders The Boston Globe A provocative thesis Ghaemis book deserves high marks for original thinkingThe Washington Post Provocative fascinating Saloncom Historians have long puzzled over the apparent mental instability of great and terrible leaders alike Napoleon Lincoln Churchill Hitler and…
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people is a top priority for parents caregivers and teachers but it can be tricky to find reliable and evidencebased information Written by an experienced child and adolescent psychiatrist in a userfriendly question and answer format this book outlines the mental health challenges facing our…
This recording has been digitally produced byDeepZenLimited using a synthesized version of an audiobook narrators voice under licenseDeepZenuses Emotive Speech Technology to create digital narrations that offer a similar listening experience to human narration
A Journey Into the Abyss Exploring Earths Deepest Ocean Trench Introducing Exploring the Mariana Trench A DeepSea Adventure Dive into the heart of the ocean where the pressure is immense and the darkness is allencompassing
If you have ever considered therapy for an existing condition or you know someonea family member or friendwho may like to consider it this book will give you the insight you need to make your decision Chrissie explains how the process works and the shows the breadth of her knowledge in helping people find the…
A los Pies del Maestro es un breve libro considerado una joya espiritual que presenta las enseanzas esenciales de Jiddu Krishnamurti Aunque se public en 1911 cuando Krishnamurti era solo un adolescente el libro contiene sabidura profunda sobre el camino espiritual La obra presenta un dilogo entre un joven discpulo llamado Alcione y su maestro…
In 2015 Juno Carey left her job as a midwife burnt out frustrated and looking for a better way to deliver care to women And then she found work that she loves that brings her satisfaction and the knowledge of helping women directly and fundamentally every day Working in an abortion clinic is not easy…
Explores 15 promising avenues of postmaterialist scientific investigation currently underway Provides a succinct account of the experience of transition to the next life and what one might expect when one arrives there Explains how materialism has prevented us from realizing a deeper understanding of the nature of space time life death and consciousness Sharing his…
The first comprehensive guide for leading BIPOC affinity groups for challenging white supremacy healing racial trauma and taking collective action
A remarkable journeyThe Telegraph The incredible life story of legendary cardiac surgeon and scientist Magdi Yacoub an outsider who succeeded against the odds Veteran journalists Simon Pearson and Fiona Gorman follow the remarkable life of heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub from his formative years in Egypt through spectacular success at Cairo University to his long and…
A blueprint for a better future Playing on the phrase a theory of everything in physics Michael Muthukrishnas ambitious original and deeply hopeful audiobook offers a unified theory of human behavior culture and society a theory of everyone In A Theory of Everyone Muthukrishna draws on the most recent research across the sciences humanities and…
Brought to you by Penguin The essential guide to mental health from the bestselling author of The School of Life This is a book about getting unwell About losing direction and hope About imagining that we have let ourselves and everyone down But it is also a book about getting better About regaining the thread…
Winner of the Bronze Medal for Enlightenment/Spirituality in the Living Now Book Awards 2023 and a Finalist in Spirituality/Inspirational in the American Book Fest Best Book Awards 2023 Trauma healing means healing the unimaginable integrating soul work into traditional therapy can bring deeper healing of trauma Tools such as journaling mindfulness meditation and prayer provide…
Madhav Gadgil was born in Pune in 1942 just as Salim Alis superbly illustrated Book of Indian Birds was published Influenced by his birdwatcher father he learnt to recognize birds from their pictures even before he could read He is an unusual combination of a person fascinated by the diversity of the natural world of…
Abyssal Archivefeatures the most comprehensive fan analysis of theDark Souls mythos ever undertaken We set out to pay tribute to Miyazakis legendary game by craftinga work of literaturethat embodies the same care and attention to detail that makesDark Soulsitself such a peerless work of art