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$33.59 Original price was: $33.59.$26.87Current price is: $26.87.
Linquisiteur Gregor Eisenhorn a pass sa vie traquer lobscurit dans les recoins les plus dangereux de la galaxie la poursuite de lhrsie et du Chaos Mais combien de temps un homme peutil parcourir cette voie sans succomber lattrait du warp Sur la piste dhrtiques sur des mondes isols de lImperium Eisenhorn doit se confronter la…

$32.54 Original price was: $32.54.$26.03Current price is: $26.03.
Der kriegsmde Kampfverband Praxis trifft auf der von der Eisernen Knigin Orlah regierten Ritterwelt Kamidar ein um die Tochter und Erbin der Knigin zurckzubringen die in Guillimans Namen im Kampf gefallen ist Doch in Wahrheit versucht das Imperium zwei Missionen zu erfllen Kamidars Ressourcen sicherzustellen um die schwchelnde Armada zu versorgen und das Protektorat Eisenfeste…

$32.54 Original price was: $32.54.$26.03Current price is: $26.03.
Als Roboute Guilliman der Regent von Terra sich auf den IndomitusKreuzzug begibt lsst er eine von Unruhen geplagte Welt zurck auf der Kultaktivitten einen neuen Hhepunkt erreicht haben Ohne seine gewaltigen Verteidigungsarmeen die nun an der galaktischen Offensive gegen die Feinde der Menschheit teilnehmen erholt sich Terra nur langsam Die Custodeswchter tun was sie knnen…

$32.54 Original price was: $32.54.$26.03Current price is: $26.03.
Ulfenkarn ist eine Stadt der Albtrume Ihre Vampirherrscher frnen in den schattigen Gassen ihrer Blutlust und verwandeln die ehemals stolze Metropole in ein Schlachthaus Die sterblichen Bewohner leiden bereits lange unter der Tyrannei von Radukar dem Wolf und seinem Drstenden Hofstaat doch nun versetzt sie eine Reihe grausamer Morde in noch grere Angst Um diesen…

$32.54 Original price was: $32.54.$26.03Current price is: $26.03.
In den dunklen Ecken der Reiche der Sterblichen ziehen die geheimnisvollen MondwahnGrots auf den Spuren ihrer widerwrtigen Gottheit in den Krieg Kein Ort bleibt vor ihren Augen verborgen nicht einmal jene die unter Sigmars Schutz stehen wie die Stadt Draconium die unter Aqshys stndig kochendem Regen leidet In diesem brodelnden Hexenkessel betet der Regent zu…

$36.74 Original price was: $36.74.$29.39Current price is: $29.39.
Zweitausend Jahre vor der Zeit Sigmars gedieh in den heien Wstenlndern fern im Sden der Alten Welt das mchtige Knigreich Nehekhara Ohne das Wissen seiner Bewohner steht dieses mchtige Knigreich davor in seinen Grundfesten erschttert zu werden Denn das Verlangen eines einzelnen nach der absoluten Macht wird das Land und seine Bewohner fr immer verdammen…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
After their first deployment Shaya and her Lance made a splash at the Arcadian Academy of War and Magic by overcoming incredible odds that no firstyear student should have had to face alone At the same time with some clever maneuvering Shaya removed her rival at the Academy from the equation at least for now…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
As the daughter of a renowned War Hero Shaya was destined for a life of heroism and glory A life she desired more than anything elseuntil her mother sacrificed herself for the cause and the very Empire she died for stole Shayas dreams from her Cunning and resourceful Shaya worked hard to keep her and…

$24.10 Original price was: $24.10.$19.28Current price is: $19.28.
In the six months since the raid that destroyed the makeshift transmitter the Lost Soldiers have scratched out a permanent base on the world of RBak But life in an often surprising and very alien binary system has not become any easier Major Mara Bruce Lees pregnancy becomes a powerful reminder of that without special…

$2.29 Original price was: $2.29.$1.83Current price is: $1.83.
Watchbird by Robert Sheckley The goal was to eliminate murder It worked perfectly in the beginning but then

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
After watching a documentary about a fiftyyearold unsolved crime an otherwise ordinary guy finds himself both blessed and burdened by the ability to travel through time and space but not in the physical sense and only as it may relate to that unsolved crime Braving the debilitating physical effects of his space time continuum journeys…

$8.39 Original price was: $8.39.$6.71Current price is: $6.71.
This story takes place over the course of a week in 1987 We drop into the life of Regina Jane Westing a reporter with the LA Times She is a work in progress Part of her is aware

$18.75 Original price was: $18.75.$15.00Current price is: $15.00.
The nailbitingly suspenseful second book in the smashhit Wayward Pines trilogy from the bestselling author of Dark Matter Recursion and Upgrade Its the perfect town as long as you dont try to leave Nestled amid pictureperfect mountains the idyllic town of Wayward Pines is a modernday Eden at least at first glance Except that within…

$2.29 Original price was: $2.29.$1.83Current price is: $1.83.
Welcome Martians by Evan Hunter Only one question seemed important in this huge space venture Who was flying where

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Hello friend and welcome to Blades Rest Are you looking for a relaxing LitRPG where the world isnt ending every five minutes Yes I know that its exciting to battle demons and loot swords But sometimes its nice to just build a town drink beer and end your day with a hearty bowl of stew…

$16.68 Original price was: $16.68.$13.34Current price is: $13.34.
Not since the Left Behind series has there been a more compelling and eyeopening novel Taut tense and totally unpredictable When Angels Cry is a powerful love story not only for the heart and soul but one for the agesespecially the age to come Julie Lessman awardwinning author of the Daughters of Boston Winds of…

$28.74 Original price was: $28.74.$22.99Current price is: $22.99.
Captain Siobhan Dunmoore no longer enjoys the freedom to fight the Shrehari Empire on her own terms aboard the Qship Iolanthe Special Operations Command has assigned her to Task Force Luckner whose mission is replicating Iolanthes success on a larger scaleUnfortunately neither her new superior Rear Admiral Kell Petras nor any other captain in the…

$29.39 Original price was: $29.39.$23.51Current price is: $23.51.
A brandnew space fantasy novel from master worldbuilder Valerie Valdes A refugee with a secret a dangerous foe and a road trip that could either save a planet or start a war

$3.57 Original price was: $3.57.$2.86Current price is: $2.86.
If his greatgrandfather had not volunteered for the earliest timetravel experiments way back in the nineteenseventies back even before the Blight it would never have been discovered that he and his seed possessed a great deal of immunity to extratemporal blackout

$3.57 Original price was: $3.57.$2.86Current price is: $2.86.
Earth is ruled by women In fact it was worse than that Only women could be Earth Citizens these days ever since the Male Desuffrage Act Men must belong to a woman to have a say in anything and have become weak and somewhat silly William Tenn tells a delightful story here of the future…