Science Fiction

Showing 41–60 of 977 results

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    Ancient Astronauts: Anunnaki Origins- A New Moon Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.49.Current price is: $9.19.

    In Part 1 Ancient Astronauts A New Moon delve into the enigmatic realm where science fiction and ancient alien theory collide as acclaimed author Jonathan David weaves a mesmerizing tale that challenges our understanding of the universe and the origins of life

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    Ancient Enemies Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    What if the darkest myths in human history were actually real just distorted over time Building a new nation is not a simple task and its made even harder with every nation on the planet wanting the Solarian Unions advanced technology no matter the cost But when terrorists unleash a devastating genetically engineered plague into…

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    Ancient Voyager Book 2 Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.57.Current price is: $8.46.

    This is the story of four students whose education is interrupted by an education

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    Andre Norton: Voodoo Planet Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.98.Current price is: $4.78.

    A Free Trader space ship visits the planet Khatka where magic and Voodoo are threatening to destroy the promising civilization that has been slowly developing The medic Tau uses his own knowledge of magic to help fight this evil menace but is it enoughCan he fight the very powerful Witch Doctor on his own territory…

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    Androne Audiobook

    Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $34.39.

    Humanitys new war is an enigma with an enemy threat beyond all imagination in this nearfuture novel of mindblowing adventure where the fate of the world rests in the choices of one ordinary soldier

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    Animal Kingdom [Dramatized Adaptation – Abridged Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Its about to get primalWhen an act of mercy ends in betrayal the companions are attacked and three of their crew abducted Led by Ryan the remaining members set out on a deadly rescue mission Standing in their waya forest overrun by barbaric cultists and mutated beasts Alien animals hide behind every tree Strange creatures…

  • Sale!

    Anna Apokalypse Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.74.Current price is: $12.59.

    Die PursuiterPilotin Anna di Maturaz ist durch den Abschuss ihres Raumschiffs auf der Raumstation Ulltra gelandet Sie ist dem Gultrn entkommen doch nun fristet sie ihr Dasein zwischen Troiks Robotern und Cyborgs Wie kann sie jemals dem irren Amsierviertel Trivi 3 entfliehen und zu ihrer Familie nach Opzalon kommen Und dann erscheint auch noch ein…

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    Anthem Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.74.Current price is: $12.59.

    Dive into a dystopian world where individuality is a crime and freedom a forgotten concept Anthem by Ayn Rand is a gripping audiobook that explores the struggle of one man against the collective society that suppresses his identityIn this thoughtprovoking tale Rand masterfully challenges the concepts of collectivism urging listeners to celebrate the power of…

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    Anti-Matter Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.19.Current price is: $13.75.

    Yes there is AntiMatter too much in fact and theres a little bit of it everywhereAntiMatter the opposite type of matter that we know and use every dayWhenever AntiMatter comes into contact with the normal matter that is part of us all it annihilates all probability of the continued path were on and sends us…

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    Original price was: $2.71.Current price is: $2.17.

    Several centuries in the future a small scout ship with three crewmen is sent on a mission to a red giant star When they arrive they find earthmen have visited here before Bizarre events begin to mount up one upon another Will the many puzzles be solved in time and the earth saved from mass…

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    Apocalyptic Sci-Fi – 7 Science Fiction Short Stories by Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, Frederik Pohl and more Audiobook

    Original price was: $9.19.Current price is: $7.35.

    Seven science fiction short stories from some of the best scifi authors of the 1940s 50s and 60s

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    Ares Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.44.Current price is: $2.75.

    Embark on an extraordinary journey to Mars where a team of courageous pioneers uncovers a hidden secret buried deep within the red planets ancient soil When a peculiar anomaly disrupts their routine the settlers stumble upon an enigmatic structure a relic of a lost civilization As they venture further they are immersed in a world…

  • Sale!

    Ari Barak and the Free-Will Paradox Audiobook

    Original price was: $13.23.Current price is: $10.58.

    A yeshiva is supposed to be a place where young Jewish men go to learn Torah It follows an orderly set routine Decorum is observed The food is occasionally palatable The curriculum is predictable following the tradition of centuries In short it is almost everything that Rabbi Whites yeshiva is not

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    As crnicas da Unifenda – Abridged Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.24.Current price is: $4.19.

    As crnicas da Unifenda algo nico um mundo criado de forma verdadeiramente coletiva original e antropofgica e talvez por isso to especificamente brasileiroSamir Machado de Machado

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    Ascension Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.09.Current price is: $16.07.

    Oldschool creepy a fivestar horror novel STEPHEN KING A mindbending speculative thriller in which the sudden appearance of a mountain in the middle of the Pacific Ocean leads a group of scientists to a series of jawdropping revelations that challenge the notion of what it means to be human IF YOU EVER READ THIS TELL…

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    Ashes of Man Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.33.Current price is: $17.86.

    Bloomsbury presents Ashes of Man by Christopher Ruocchio read by Samuel Roukin The galaxy is burning With the Cielcin united under one banner the Sollan Empire stands alone after the betrayal of the Commonwealth The ProphetKing of the Cielcin has sent its armies to burn the worlds of men and worse there are rumours whispers…

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    Auf den Schwingen der Skreeh Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.84.Current price is: $14.27.

    Inmitten einer Welt voller Gefahren begeben sich in einer fernen Zukunft Ithan Selim und Nelia auf eine Expedition die ihr Leben fr immer verndern wird Die Reise zu den Skreeh einer mysterisen Rasse geflgelter Wesen die vor Hunderten von Jahren die Menschheit in einem grausamen Krieg bezwungen hat ist fr alle Bewohner der Seestadt die…

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    Aufbruch nach Auriga – Dimension, Band 1 ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $14.33.Current price is: $11.46.

    Auriga ist nicht der Planet nach dem wir gesucht habenAls sich 2054 in der Nhe der Erde wie aus dem Nichts ein Wurmloch ffnet entdecken Forscher auf der anderen Seite einen bisher unbekannten Exoplaneten im Sternbild Auriga Dass der 730 Lichtjahre entfernte erdnahe Himmelskrper in der habitablen Zone eines roten Zwergs liegt kommt einem Wunder…

  • Sale!

    Aufbruch nach Yxen Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    Gibt es eine zweite Erde eine neue Chance ein anderes LebenFragen mit denen sich Hondo Sinclaire auseinandersetzen muss whrend seiner Reise in einem Raumschiff mit Auserwhlten Mit Menschen die berleben drfen Die Erde ist Geschichte das Leben das er kannte ist vorbei Gestorben mit seinem drei Minuten lteren Bruder der eigentlich jetzt in diesem Raumschiff…

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    Aurora ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Eine fantastische Story ein echter Pageturner Es ist unmglich das Buch zur Seite zu legen Stephen KingNachdem ein Solarsturm die Energieversorgung der Welt komplett lahmlegt kmpft Aubrey Wheeler um das berleben in ihrer Vorstadtsiedlung Aurora ihr Bruder hingegen hat mit seinem beachtlichen Vermgen schon vor Jahren einen Bunker gebaut in den er sich zurckziehen und…