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Showing 3501–3520 of 3530 results

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
What do you get when you mix up a dead mobster a snarky feline familiar and a sudden marriage proposal If youre Ruby Diamond witch of Fiddlers Cove Connecticut you get a whole lot of problems It seems like everyone in town wanted Benito Lombardi dead How can Ruby sift through the clues and navigate…

$29.39 Original price was: $29.39.$23.51Current price is: $23.51.
THE EARL DOTH PROTEST For businessman Heath Hextall inheriting an earldom has been a damnable nuisance The answer find a wellbred biddable woman to keep his life in order and observe the required social niceties But its always been clear that Lady Josephine Somerhall is not that woman Once a shy slip of a girl…

$33.59 Original price was: $33.59.$26.87Current price is: $26.87.
I absolutely loved this book The combination of dark themes and black comedy is spot on EMMA CURTIS If Bret Easton Ellis ever went to grief counselling this would be just the kind of brilliant book hed write PHILIPPA EAST I have a gift I see people as ghosts before they dieOf course it helps…

A body is found on a draw bridge strung up as a mysterious signature of a new serial killer Small town cop and single mom Megan York must struggle to stop this new killer before he strikes againwhile keeping her daughter safe from her violent ex and keeping her past at bay With threats looming…

$5.74 Original price was: $5.74.$4.59Current price is: $4.59.
Small town police officer and single mom Megan York is summoned to a dramatic crime scene in a neighboring town a serial killer has left a victim dangling from a water tower As Megan struggles to crack this killers mysterious MO her violent ex has been released from prisonand may just be an even bigger…

$25.00 Original price was: $25.00.$20.00Current price is: $20.00.
Scream meets Clueless in this YA horror from Adam Sass in which two gay teen BFFs find their friendship tested when a serial killer starts targeting their schools Queer Club Dearie and Cole are inseparable unlikeable and in bad luck for them totally unbelievable From the day they met Dearie and Cole have been two…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
From Sophia Bannions first day on the Storytelling team at HEBE a luxury skincare/wellness company based in New Yorks trendy SoHo neighborhood its clear something is deeply amiss But Sophia pushing thirty has plenty of skeletons in her closet next to the designer knockoffs and doesnt care Though she leads an outwardly charmed life she…

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Tiivistunnelmainen esikoisdekkari sukeltaa lahtelaisen koulun synkimpiin salaisuuksiinVarhain talvisena aamuna uskonnonopettaja lytyy maineikkaan lahtelaisen koulun pihalta kuolleena Vaikuttaa kuin opettaja olisi liukastunut jisell pihalla mutta mit asiaa hnell on ollut koululla keskell pime pakkasyt Viimeisen koululta on edellisen pivn lhtenyt nuori sijainen Hanna Hankimo johon katseet pian kohdistuvat Hannan asiaa ei auta ett hnell on ollut…

$34.64 Original price was: $34.64.$27.71Current price is: $27.71.
Art expert Emma Lindhal is anxious when shes asked to appraise the antiques in the infamous manor house of one of Swedens wealthiest families on the island of Storholmen where a young woman was murdered nine years earlier her killer never found As she goes about her painstaking work and one shocking discovery yields clues…

$5.24 Original price was: $5.24.$4.19Current price is: $4.19.
Kt nie chce zabi czego nienawidziDziewitego marca w lasku we wsi Saba zostaa znaleziona rka Jak si okazao odcita ju martwej ofierze Adam Kruger i Dagmara Madej od razu ruszaj tym tropem sdzc e moe wpadli na lad prowadzcy do Chirurga Jednak rozwj ledztwa ich mocno zaskakuje Zabjcze Opowieci to cykl kryminalnych opowieci i podcastw…

$6.29 Original price was: $6.29.$5.03Current price is: $5.03.
Nieokieznane podanieZwoki leay na rodku pokoju w kauy krwi Ofiara moda dwudziestoczteroletnia Ania Zborowska miaa odrban gow Jej jasne dugie wosy w przeraajcy sposb przykuway wzrok Kto zabi t niewinn dziewczyn i dlaczegoDagmara Madej i Adam Kruger musz zapomnie o koszmarnym widoku i odpowiedzie na te pytania

$4.19 Original price was: $4.19.$3.35Current price is: $3.35.
Nienawistna siaMiejsce zbrodni przypominao rzeni Wszdzie bya krew Na cianach meblach piecu kaflowym Na ubraniach zawieszonych na krzesach I na dywanie na ktrym lea martwy pozbawiony gowy mczyzna Sprawca musia mocno nienawidzi zmarego dlatego Adam Kruger i Dagmara Madej musz i ladem emocji

$8.39 Original price was: $8.39.$6.71Current price is: $6.71.
Odkryj mroce krew w yach tajemnice brutalnego morderstwa w sercu duskiej wsi IV cz serii o komisarz Agnes HillstrmKiedy starsza kobieta Else Berthelsen zostaje brutalnie zamordowana w swoim domu pierwsze wskazwki prowadz ledczych Agnes i Otto do mieszkaca pobliskiego orodka dla uchodcw z ktrym ofiara wsppracowaa Sprawa przybiera mroczny obrt gdy gwny podejrzany syryjski uchodca…

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
Jak dokona wyboru gdy rozum musi walczy z sercemPosada asystentki prezesa to szansa Idy na lepsze jutro Przyjdzie jej jednak stoczy walk nie tylko z bezlitosnym wiatem korporacji ale i z najwikszym przeciwnikiem jakim okazuje si jej serce tak bardzo podatne na przystojnego i charyzmatycznego prezesa Kiedy wydaje si e los sam pcha ich ku…

$9.44 Original price was: $9.44.$7.55Current price is: $7.55.
Fenomenalne poczenie humoru romansu oraz mafijnego twistu zawrci Wam w gowach w elektryzujcej kontynuacji trylogii Zatraceni KM DygiJedno niepokorne serce Dwaj mczyni gotowi je zdobyPo zobaczeniu piknoci wymykajcej si z pokoju ukochanego zraniona Ida wciela si w rol idealnej asystentki Z powodzeniem realizuje to do czego zostaa zatrudniona czyli mwienie prezesowi nie Do tego jej…

$9.44 Original price was: $9.44.$7.55Current price is: $7.55.
Nieodwzajemniona mio staa si jego obsesjLojalno i honor bd jego zgubW wiecie Takashiego krluje przemoc ale nie ma w tym nic dziwnego w kocu jest wyszkolonym wojownikiem w szeregach yakuzy Zatracony w uczuciu do kobiety ktra wybraa innego szuka zapomnienia w alkoholu i adrenalinie Dlatego bez wahania chwyta za katan i nie oszczdza jej ani…

$13.64 Original price was: $13.64.$10.91Current price is: $10.91.
Der Hlle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen singt Anabella Todorova als Knigin der Nacht in Mozarts Zauberflte bei der Opernpremiere der Salzburger Festspiele Doch sie bricht mitten in der Arie tot zusammen Herzversagen Unfall MordMartin Merana beginnt im Umfeld der Festspiele zu ermitteln und staunt Es bahnt sich ein Skandal um geflschte Meistergeigen an und…

$16.53 Original price was: $16.53.$13.22Current price is: $13.22.
Die Grostadt ein Moloch Brutsttte des Verbrechens Faruk lernt von Kindesbeinen an dass man als Krimineller am besten fhrt Er ist Mehrfach und Intensivtter kommt aber immer wieder mit geringen Strafen davon Bis irgendwann etwas Schreckliches geschieht

$11.49 Original price was: $11.49.$9.19Current price is: $9.19.
This recording has been digitally produced by Jack Mars using a synthesized version of an audiobook narrators voice under license Non andrai a dormire finch non avrai finito di leggere i libri dellAgente ZERO I personaggi magistralmente sviluppati e molto divertenti sono il punto di forza di questo lavoro superbo La descrizione delle scene dazione…

$29.39 Original price was: $29.39.$23.51Current price is: $23.51.
This is Ruth Ware like youve never read her before DAVID BALDACCI Shes done it againCLARE MACKINTOSH HER HUSBAND HAS BEEN MURDERED AND SHES THE ONLY SUSPECT WHAT SHOULD SHE DO Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems Jack and her husband Gabe are the best penetration specialists in the business…