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Showing 1041–1060 of 1068 results

$22.50 Original price was: $22.50.$18.00Current price is: $18.00.
One of the Books Barack Obama Is Reading This Summer One of Vultures Best Books of 2023 One of Goodreads Buzziest Debut Novels of 2023 One of Essences 31 Books You Must Read One of the most anticipated books by Town amp Country and Elle America is seen through the eyes and ambitions of three…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
A heartbreaking and darkly funny portrait of a woman unravelling in the wake of tragedy Sam is dead which means that Elsie Jane has just lost the brilliant sensitive man she planned to grow old with The early days of grief are a fog of work and single parenting Too restless to sleep Elsie pores…

$21.99 Original price was: $21.99.$17.59Current price is: $17.59.
Young Ellys world is shaped by those who inhabit it her loving but maddeningly distractible parents a best friend who smells of chips and knows exotic words like slag an ageing fop who tapdances his way into her home a Shirley Bassey impersonator who trails close behind lastly of course a rabbit called God In…

$28.34 Original price was: $28.34.$22.67Current price is: $22.67.
Bilingual Spanish/English audiobook narrator Sananes enlivens Costa Rican American poet/writer Arias multigenerational saga BooklistA lush and lyrical debut novel about a Costa Rican family wrestling with a deadly secret from rising literary star John Manuel Arias Costa Rica 1968 When a lethal fire erupts at the American Fruit Companys most lucrative banana plantation burning all…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
From the celebrated author of the ferociously intelligent and intensely grippingPhil KlayInto the Suncomesa subversive daring and at times satiricalnovel exploringprivilege humanitarianism white supremacy and the absurdity of American exceptionalism

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Seit achtzehn Monaten steht das Mdcheninternat von Raxter Island unter Quarantne denn eine gefhrliche Seuche hat sich ausgebreitet Bei den Schlerinnen lst sie grausige Mutationen aus die Lehrerinnen starben eine nach der anderen Die Natur auf der Insel ist wild und unberechenbar geworden Zum berleben braucht man Freundinnen die alles fr einen tun wrden so…

$23.09 Original price was: $23.09.$18.47Current price is: $18.47.
Moving and vital i NEWS A beautiful book EVENING STANDARD Deserves to be read by as wide an audience as possible DAILY MIRROR How do we give a voice to those who so often remain unheard Will You Read This Please is a frank and impactful collection of twelve stories written in conjunction with our…

$14.43 Original price was: $14.43.$11.54Current price is: $11.54.
In 1917 Madeline Fairbanks is an herbalist healer devoted to the people of Jamesville a dying town in the Southern Appalachians Renetta Morganwith whom it is taboo to fraternize because of raceis her apprentice Maddies precocious granddaughter Hannah Tillman is mesmerized by an ancestral box in Maddies possession that contains hints of a mystical heritage

$15.74 Original price was: $15.74.$12.59Current price is: $12.59.
On the first second third etcetera day of Christmas my true love gave to meTwaalf Nederlandse auteurs zijn allen tezamen gekomen om fans van young adult verhalen te voorzien van genoeg leesvoer voor de hele kerstperiode Voor alle twaalf dagen van kerst is er een verhaal te lezen De verhalen bevatten zonder uitzondering een sprankje…

$17.96 Original price was: $17.96.$14.37Current price is: $14.37.
Considered a masterpiece by critics John Buchans Witch Wood combines the authors interests in landscape Calvinism and the fate of Scotland after the Wars of the Three Kingdoms

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
This festive charity anthology has short stories from a variety of authors including international bestsellers and awardwinning writers Theres something for everyone with tales that will make you laugh make you cry or make you sleep with the light on Its the perfect book to curl up with on a cold winters night

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
Wszyscy jestemy hipsterami Urodzeni w Polsce A B i C emigrujcy do dalszych i bliszych krajw samotni czy sparowani uomni czy wybitni poszukujemy wasnego stylu tosamoci i niepowtarzalnej drogi przez yciePielgrzym to czowiek ktry w jednym momencie straci niemal wszystko rodzicw dziewczyn perspektywy na przyszo Pogrony w stagnacji szukajcy pocieszenia w przygodnych miociach i topicy…

$20.69 Original price was: $20.69.$16.55Current price is: $16.55.
Surreal hilarious and shrewdly poignanta novel about a Korean American woman living in Berlin whose obsession with a Kpop idol sends her to Seoul on a journey of literary selfdestruction

$3.14 Original price was: $3.14.$2.51Current price is: $2.51.
Do czego moe doprowadzi dyskusja pomidzy ojcem alkoholikiem a synem nieudacznikiemycie psa na balkonie to obraz naiwnoci pokoleniowej o ktr ocieramy si kadego dnia To rozmowa ktra udowadnia e nieustannie tkwimy w bdnym przewiadczeniu o waciwoci wasnych ideaw i wasnej rzeczywistoci W kocu to opowie o mieszkaniu zduszonym w smrodzie pustych butelek po wdce przykrytym…

$6.29 Original price was: $6.29.$5.03Current price is: $5.03.
Przewrotne opowiadania o tym e najwiksz niespodziank w yciu jest samo ycieWdkarz ktrego nad brzegiem rzeki dopada grupa urzdnikw Dwch samobjcw pojawiajcych si w tej samej chwili na jedynym w okolicy mocie Kobieta dla ktrej prawdziwym sensem ycia jest karmienie gobi I pewien zupenie nietypowy wampirTo tylko niektrzy bohaterowie opowiada Anny Laszczki W tomie ycie…

$11.54 Original price was: $11.54.$9.23Current price is: $9.23.
Paula ja Erkki ovat menossa naimisiin Perheess on juhlan aihetta mutta samaan aikaan suru on suuri Paulan is on kaatunut samassa sodassa josta Erkki selviytyi elvn kotiin Paulan iti keksii riidan aihetta asiasta jos toisesta surunsa keskell ja on vielp omin avuinensa siirtnyt tyttrens hit Paula haluaisi vain naimisiin ja pois kotoaMiten nuoren naisen elmn…

$7.34 Original price was: $7.34.$5.87Current price is: $5.87.
Bo z mioci powstaj kamstwa doskonaePochodzenie czowieka nie musi determinowa jego ycia Jednak Helena bohaterka ksiki myli i czuje inaczej Dlatego postanawia stworzy siebie na nowo Wymyli sobie tosamo ktra pozwoli jej zrzuci brzemi nielubnego dziecka z maej wsi Jej ycie powoli staje si mistyfikacj Nawet najblisi nie wiedz co jest prawd co pozorem a…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Yolanda GarcaYo for shortis the literary one in the family Her first published novel in which she uses as characters practically everyone she knows was a big success Now shes basking in the spotlight while those characters find their very recognizable selves dangling in that same blinding light But turnabout is fair play and so…

$22.17 Original price was: $22.17.$17.74Current price is: $17.74.
Damals hatten wir sie eine bessere Zukunft Der groe neue Familien und Generationenroman von BestsellerAutor Daniel Speck

$26.60 Original price was: $26.60.$21.28Current price is: $21.28.
Damals hatten wir sie eine bessere Zukunft Der groe neue Familien und Generationenroman von BestsellerAutor Daniel Speck