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Showing 61–80 of 1068 results

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Part swashbuckling adventure on the high seas and part modernday love story set in the heart of Paris An Astronomer in Love is an enchanting tale of adventure destiny and the power of love from bestselling author Antoine Laurain In 1760 Guillaume le Gentil reallife astronomer to King Louis XV sets out for the oceans…

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
A NEW YORKER BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR This magisterial intimate look at Black womanhood follows three women whose various traumas haunt them literally and metaphorically as it explores what it means to be a Black woman in America today The New York Times Book Review Editors Choice A middleaged woman feed slots at a…

$16.79 Original price was: $16.79.$13.43Current price is: $13.43.
Underpinned by true events An Ayahs Choice draws us into a rarely seen aspect of British Indian history Following the momentous life of Jaya Devani an Indian woman harbouring a secret that propels her to find her own agency against a backdrop of sex class and race discriminationIn a small Indian village in 1900 aspiring…

$34.60 Original price was: $34.60.$27.68Current price is: $27.68.
The personal collides with the political in this literary tourdeforce In the 1950s an eminent British writer pens a novel questioning the ethics of the nuclear destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasakibut soon hes trying to outrun his own past

$17.24 Original price was: $17.24.$13.79Current price is: $13.79.
Death is hard Its as inevitable as manipulation and misogyny as inevitable as love conflict insanity sleepdeprivation and broken hearts Its coming Its here

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
Theinaugural titlefromRoxane Gay Books And Then He Sang a Lullaby isasearingly honest and resonant debut from a23yearoldNigerian writer and queer liberation activist exploring what love and freedom cost in a society steeped in homophobia August is a Godfearing track star who leaves Enugu City to attend university and escape his overbearing sisters He carries the…

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
A Globe and Mail Best Book of 2023 a Most Anticipated Book Pick by Good Morning America Bustle CrimeReads Electric Literature Debutiful Ms Magazine The Nerd Daily and Paste A mindbending razorsharp look at motherhood and mental health that follows a young Indigenous woman who discovers the pictureperfect life she always hoped for may have…

$17.96 Original price was: $17.96.$14.37Current price is: $14.37.
A moving lyrical melancholy and spiritual novel by the acclaimed author of The Night Child in which Sister Angeline unwillingly sent to a radical convent and confronting her tragic past asks the question follow your heart or follow the rules

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
In the days leading up to Christmas Dmhildur delivers her 1922nd baby Beginnings and endings are her family trade she comes from a long line of midwives on her mothers side and a long line of undertakers on her fathers She even lives in the apartment that she inherited from her grandaunt a midwife with…

$6.29 Original price was: $6.29.$5.03Current price is: $5.03.
Anna Karenina parece ter a vida perfeita Jovem e bonita ela mora em uma casa elegante em So Petersburgo com seu respeitado marido e seu filho Mas est profundamente infeliz A verdade que seu marido que bem mais velho faz com que ela se sinta entediada Anna sente falta da vida animada e agitada da…

$22.04 Original price was: $22.04.$17.63Current price is: $17.63.
Una de las novelas de iniciacin ms celebradas de todos los tiempos premiada con la Center for Fictions Clifton Fadiman Medal que consagr a la candidata al Nobel Jamaica Kincaid

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Luca es una adolescente que llega a Buenos Aires para estudiar en la universidad y va a vivir a un pensionado de monjas que contrasta con la agitada vida poltica de la Facultad

$14.69 Original price was: $14.69.$11.75Current price is: $11.75.
Jos pidit Clare Pooleyn Totuushaasteesta rakastat Antiikkikurssikirjasarjaa Sydntlmmittvn feelgoodsarjan toinen osa kertoo antiikin maailmasta ja ystvyydestPerOlofin rakas Charliekoira j auton alle ja Kristina jrjest koiran muistoksi hautajaistilaisuuden Hautajaiset kervt yhteen antiikkikurssilla tutustuneet ystvtPaljon on tapahtunut kaksi vuotta sitten pttyneen antiikkikurssin jlkeen Kristina on muuttoaikeissa ja pohtii Karlpoikansa tilannetta Karlin ja Peterin suhde on kriisiss eik…

$25.19 Original price was: $25.19.$20.15Current price is: $20.15.
By the author of Little Blue Encyclopedia for Vivian the fictional memoir of a trans indie rock musician that reveals how the act of creation can heal trauma and even change the past

$25.19 Original price was: $25.19.$20.15Current price is: $20.15.
Hoy cuando el pensamiento brutal y quirrgico de las ideologas fascistas es una amenaza tan latente como lo era en la Alemania de Gnter Grass Aos de perro recupera el valor de un aviso urgentsimo

$11.54 Original price was: $11.54.$9.23Current price is: $9.23.
Apfelgold ist eine zauberhafte und vielschichtige Erzhlung ber Verlust Trauer und Schmerz Aber auch ber Kindheit Familie Zusammenhalt und Hoffnung Paula findet einen Schatz Wohin fhrt die Spur Welches Schicksal steckt dahinter

$15.74 Original price was: $15.74.$12.59Current price is: $12.59.
Siamo finalmente giunti allattesissimo quarto capitolo della saga del Regno di Taglia ciclo narrativo delluniverso grimdark fantasy nato dallingegno e dalla crudelt di Luca Mazza e Jack Sensolini ApocalemmeCapolinea di tutti gli eserciti cancello di tutti gli inferniSudario re di guerra e brace chiama a raccolta i suoi reduci per lultima Cappiata dove non sono…

$4.19 Original price was: $4.19.$3.35Current price is: $3.35.
Co czy Riwier Czarnogrsk z chorwack wysp Arkandel Jaki jest zwizek midzy tajemniczym zeszytem a rodzinnymi wakacjamiNiewiadomych jest wiele a pewne jedynie to e czytajc staniemy wobec dalszych pyta o sens ycia znaczenie uczu inny rwnolegy wiat w ktrym nadal wybrzmiewa gos z przeszoci To co minione nieoczekiwanie uobecnia si w wietle wakacyjnego soca zmieniajc…

$17.84 Original price was: $17.84.$14.27Current price is: $14.27.
El gran estilo de Jos Agustn en su mximo esplendor poltica romance fuertes dosis de espionaje intriga y caminos torcidos que el lector no prever

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
En knsloladdad familjesaga om hemligheter och ett mrkt frflutet krleken mellan en mamma och tre dttrar och om att slutligen hitta hem I Melbourne hittar Emily en mystisk ddsannons ver en kvinna vid namn Hilda Andersson nr hon rensar i sina bortgngna frldrars hem Samma annons hittar Therese i Stockholm efter ett av sin mammas…