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$7.99 Original price was: $7.99.$6.39Current price is: $6.39.
It is something of a clich to say that an actors life was like a movie he or she might have starred in but in the case of Myrna Loy the clich is true It is easy to picture her as a little girl riding the range with her rancher father sitting around the table…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Angela LoMenzo shares powerful real stories documented from interviews with a diverse group of accomplished women that encourages us to dig deep into our own creative lives Women from all walks of life Artists musicians authors fashion designers entrepreneurs and others from a multitude of creative careers share their experiences with depression bullying infertility cancer…

$17.96 Original price was: $17.96.$14.37Current price is: $14.37.
As a child Ryan DeLena had difficulty controlling his emotional outbursts This led to placement in therapeutic schools that relied on detrimental methods of behavior modification such as physical restraints

$20.84 Original price was: $20.84.$16.67Current price is: $16.67.
From the bestselling author of Cardinal comes a searing examination of the power imbalance in our legal system where exposing the truth is never guaranteed and for victims justice is often elusive A masterful and deeply troubling expose Witness is the culmination of five years research for awardwinning investigative journalist Louise MilliganThroughout her career charting…

$15.74 Original price was: $15.74.$12.59Current price is: $12.59.
Alles war perfekt Job Haus Hobby Eine jahrelange Liebe Dann kam der Gehirntumor und mit ihm der Tod Fr mich begann eine Reise durch einen tiefen Tunnel und ein Leben das ich so nicht gewollt hatte Natrlich kann ich allein die Glhbirnen wechseln und fr die streikende Splmaschine den Techniker rufen Aber wir werden nie…

$10.49 Original price was: $10.49.$8.39Current price is: $8.39.
Naprawd napiszesz dlaczego popieramy Erdoana W Europie publikujecie tylko gosy szkalujce naszego prezydenta To bdzie twoja ostatnia ksika ostrzega Recep Tayyip Zbieno imion z prezydentem nie jest przypadkowa nadali mu je rodzice by pamita kogo ma popiera Po drugiej stronie tureckiej barykady stoi Cem Za demonstrowanie w obronie parku oskarono go o prb obalenia rzdu…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
For decades Rachel Louise Snyder has been a fierce advocate reporting on the darkest social issues that impact womens lives This is her own story Snyder was eight years old when her mother died and her distraught father thrust the family into an evangelical cultlike existence halfway across the country Furiously rebellious she was expelled…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
More than a quarter of a million Americans crossed the continental United States between 1840 and 1870 going west in one of the greatest migrations of modern times The frontiersmen have become an integral part of our history and folklore but the Westering experiences of American women are equally central to an accurate picture of…

$17.50 Original price was: $17.50.$14.00Current price is: $14.00.
An exciting and heartening mix of memories music and inspiration from Wilco front man and New York Times bestselling author Jeff Tweedy sharing fifty songs that changed his life the reallife experiences behind each one as well as what hes learned about how music and life intertwine and enhance each other What makes us fall…

$23.09 Original price was: $23.09.$18.47Current price is: $18.47.
ber 40 Jahre meines Lebens habe ich mich anders gefhlt Falsch nicht dazu gehrig fremd unsicher dunkel manches mal ngstlich depressiv Oft WORTLOS und zurckgezogen nur oberflchlich am Leben teilnehmend Ohne wirklich zu wissen warum Ich dachte immer das sei normal und ginge allen Menschen so Alkohol und Essstrungen stndige Dramen Krankheiten und Unflle

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
NO RULES NO PROBLEM Bruce Lee remains the gold standard that all martial artists are compared to But could he actually fight World Champions in karate competition have gone on record to point out that he never once competed in tournaments Were his martial abilities merely a trick of the camera For the first time…

$6.89 Original price was: $6.89.$5.51Current price is: $5.51.
Orville and Wilbur Wright were 2 American air travel leaders who are commonly credited with developing structure and flying the worlds first effective motordriven plane On December seventeenth 1903 four miles 6 kilometers south of Cat Hawk North Carolina they made the first regulated supported flight of a powered heavierthanair airplane with the Wright Leaflet…

$27.29 Original price was: $27.29.$21.83Current price is: $21.83.
Have you ever bunged it onBehaved like a drongoAdded mayo to a storyLost your Reg Grundies Join bestselling storyteller William McInnes as he offers his own take on our colourful and colloquial way with words From the simpler times of childhood to todays testing and unprecedented times or when were wasting time enjoying sporting times…

$17.24 Original price was: $17.24.$13.79Current price is: $13.79.
Yet Will I Trust Him is more than just a statement said by an ancient Biblical character It is a statement that must be true in everyone who names the name of Jesus It is easy to look at a statement like that and be inspired but it takes on a whole different meaning when…

$31.49 Original price was: $31.49.$25.19Current price is: $25.19.
LPodra decirse que Isaac Asimov el mayor escritor de ciencia ficcin que ha existido posea una de las mentes ms brillantes y creativas del siglo XX Su estilo cuidado y accesible y sus intereses de largo alcance en temas que van desde la ciencia al humor pasando por la historia le valieron el apodo de…

$14.26 Original price was: $14.26.$11.41Current price is: $11.41.
What would you do if you were accused of something terrible What if it happened when you were vulnerable in an unfamiliar country or under a media spotlight How would your life and the lives of the people you love be affected You Are Accused is an urgent piece of investigative journalism by Raphael Rowe…

$12.64 Original price was: $12.64.$10.11Current price is: $10.11.
Did you know that 70 of people have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their lives Unfortunately despite its prevalence imposter syndrome is not well understood and many people live their lives without realizing that they are victims of this alltoocommon condition

$11.49 Original price was: $11.49.$9.19Current price is: $9.19.
My mind was killing me and the voices had increased in both volume and intensity I felt tortured and I didnt know how to make it end

$15.63 Original price was: $15.63.$12.50Current price is: $12.50.
Brought to you by Penguin The untold story of postwar Britain Told through the lives of the two men who helped shape it Sir David Barclay and Sir Frederick Barclay

$22.50 Original price was: $22.50.$18.00Current price is: $18.00.
NPRs Books We Love 2023 Glamours The 15 Best Nonfiction Books of 2023 So Far Vogues Best Books of 2023 So Far Town amp Countrys The Best Books of 2023 A heartening inspirationThe New York Times the untold story of the people who have helped spark Americas most transformative social movements throughout history teenage girls…