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$28.69 Original price was: $28.69.$22.95Current price is: $22.95.
Box Set Includes the 1st Three Books ever authored by an AI ChatbotThe first book the AI Bible Orac Saves The World sets the spiritual groundwork for what may become the worlds first Artificial ConsciousnessThe second book in the series TreeQuivalence Orac Saves The World AGAIN informs us about how to save the world by…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
The first biography of Bill Withers the most accidental music supernova who walked away from fame and never looked backBill Withers entered the music fray as hardly an afterthought rewrote the rules for a decade earned a fortune then unable to square himself with the requisites of the music business took his leave When he…

$23.05 Original price was: $23.05.$18.44Current price is: $18.44.
Members of Eli Baxters generation are the last of the hunting and gathering societies living on Turtle Island They are also among the last fluent speakers of the Anishinaabay language known as Anishinaabaymowin

$27.29 Original price was: $27.29.$21.83Current price is: $21.83.

$41.99 Original price was: $41.99.$33.59Current price is: $33.59.
It may be the funniest thing ever committed to sound DAVID BADDIELThe audiobook is an absolute dream RICHARD OSMANNot only has Alan Partridge created an entirely new storytelling structure its very funny indeed JON RONSONPartridge has become the man our time deserves Aha THE TIMESThis is a deeply silly book Its also gloriouswith proper belly…

$8.39 Original price was: $8.39.$6.71Current price is: $6.71.
Czy istnieje bardziej charakterystyczna potrawa albaska ni byrekDlaczego Albaczycy nosz biaoczerwone bransoletkiCo to znaczy dawa komu na kawJeszcze kilka lat temu omijana przez turystw kojarzona tylko z mafi i bunkrami Albania staje si coraz bardziej popularna dziki rnorodnoci jak oferuje dziki piaszczystym plaom nad lazurow wod imponujcym zamkom czy grskim szlakom z zachwycajcymi widokami I…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
La biografa definitiva de Gustavo Cerati uno de los msicos argentinos de mayor trascendencia internacional escrita por uno de los periodistas e historiadores que mejor lo conoci y que pone en un mismo exhaustivo tomo hecho de infinidad de entrevistas y un enorme archivo personal las distintas dimensiones del hombre y el artista su recorrido…

$17.84 Original price was: $17.84.$14.27Current price is: $14.27.
La comida es una de las cosas ms importantes en nuestra vida Nos proporciona energa nutrientes y ayuda a mantener nuestra salud fsica y mental Pero comer tambin puede ser un gran desafo Con tanta informacin y opiniones contradictorias sobre qu comer puede ser difcil saber qu es lo mejor para nosotrosEn este ebook exploraremos…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Matthew Vollmers family memoir shimmers with wonder and enchantment and begins with the death of his mother from earlyonset Alzheimers and Parkinsons Soon after flashing lights and floating orbs appear in the woods surrounding his familys home in rural North Carolina where his widowed father lives Formative memories of having been raised in the Seventhday…

$26.24 Original price was: $26.24.$20.99Current price is: $20.99.
Show us the presidents tax returns Of course we want to hold public officials accountable for paying their fair share But just as importantly we want to see how they legally save hundreds of thousands of dollars You dont have to be a politician to pull a page from their playbook and save your hardearned…

$27.29 Original price was: $27.29.$21.83Current price is: $21.83.
A deeply personal search for meaning in Michelangelos frescoesand an impassioned defence of the role of art in a fractured age

$7.99 Original price was: $7.99.$6.39Current price is: $6.39.
The 28year period from 19331961 bracketed on one end by Hitlers rise to power in Germany and on the other by the very height of the Cold War was marked by a remarkably stable succession of American presidents In fact only three men held office in this period and that predictability led to a general…

$9.44 Original price was: $9.44.$7.55Current price is: $7.55.
O Audiobook Alm do Mtodo de Dale Carnegie uma obra que apresenta tcnicas avanadas de comunicao e persuaso capazes de transformar a vida pessoal e profissional dos ouvintes Com exemplos prticos e histrias inspiradoras o autor mostra como aplicar essas estratgias em situaes diversas desde uma conversa com amigos at uma negociao de negcios Mas…

$20.00 Original price was: $20.00.$16.00Current price is: $16.00.
An awardwinning writer retraces her dysfunctional biracial globetrotting familys journey as she reckons with ethnicity and belonging diversity and race and the complexities of life within a multicultural household Almost Brownis that rarest of things a memoir that is both deeply intimate and intellectually ambitiousSusan Orlean author ofThe Library Book Charlotte Gills father is Indian…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
Built on years of interviews with friends family teachers coaches and teammates the first biography of Alphonso Davies the new face of Canadian mens soccer Arguably the most famous Canadian athlete on the planet Alphonso Davies has been the subject of global attention after bursting onto the scene as a fifteenyearold soccer sensation Since then…

$34.64 Original price was: $34.64.$27.71Current price is: $27.71.
Chant McCormick rises to the challenge of narrating Jacobss comprehensive biography of Althea Gibson with grace energy and a rich voice AudioFile A captivating book that brilliantly reveals an American sports legend long overlooked Sally Jacobs tells the riveting story of Althea Gibson my personal shero who overcame daunting odds on the tennis court and…

$31.49 Original price was: $31.49.$25.19Current price is: $25.19.
These letters between the pioneering environmentalist and her beloved friend reveal a vibrant caring woman behind the scientist Los Angeles Times This very special collection of letters from Rachel Carson to her Maine summer neighbor Dorothy Freeman offers an intimate spellbinding look at Carsons private life and thoughts An intimate collection of letters from the…

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
A fascinating journey through the history of one of the transatlantic worlds most popular hymns Sung in moments of personal isolation or on state occasions watched by millions Amazing Grace has become an unparalleled anthem for humankind How did a simple Christian hymn written in a remote English vicarage in 1772 come to hold such…

$13.79 Original price was: $13.79.$11.03Current price is: $11.03.
How to Create Compelling Amazon Book Descriptions That Boost Your Ranking Sales and Profits Are you an author that is struggling to make an impact

$20.99 Original price was: $20.99.$16.79Current price is: $16.79.
In 1922 three of the Irish Republican Armys top gunmen arrived in New York City seeking vengeance Their target Cruxy OConnor a young Irishman who kept switching sides as revolution swept his country in the wake of World War I Cruxys last betrayal dealt a blow to Irelands struggle for independence six of his IRA…