
Titanium Noir Audiobook

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A virtuosic mashup of Philip K Dick and Raymond Chandler by way of Marvelthe story of a detective investigating the murder of a Titan one of societys most powerful medicallyenhanced elites Crossgenre brilliance from the superbly talented Nick Harkaway William Gibson New York Times bestselling author of Agency

An exemplar of its genre Titanium Noir twists and turns between excellent fun and deep melancholy The New York Times Book Review

Cal Sounder is a detective working for the police on certain very sensitive cases So when hes called in to investigate a homicide at a local apartment hes surprised by the routineness of it all But when he arrives on scene Cal soon learns that the victimRoddy Tebbit an otherwise milquetoast techieis well over seven feet tall And although he doesnt look a day over thirty he is ninetyone years old Tebbit is a Titanone of this dystopian nearfuture societys genetically altered elites And this case is definitely Cals thing

There are only a few thousand Titans worldwide thanks to Stefan Tonfamecascas discovery of the controversial T7 genetic therapy which elevated his family to godlike status T7 turns average humans into nearimmortal distortions of themselveswith immense physical proportions to match their ostentatious unreachable lifestyles A dead Titan is big news amurderedTitan is unimaginable But these modified magnates are Cals specialty In fact his own exgirlfriend Athena is a Titan And not justanyshe is Stefans daughter heir to the massive Tonfamecasca empire

As the murder investigation intensifies Cal begins to unravel the complicated threads of what should have been a straightforward case and it becomes clear hes on the trail of a crime whose roots run deep into the dark heart of the world


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