Science Fiction

Showing 681–700 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    System Shift Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Marc and his party are seeking the sarcophagus that they were sent on a quest to find only to discover that it is now protected by far more than just the Guardian theyd been told would await them When they return to Any Port Marc discovers that Bastets obsession with Beggar has reached new heights…

  • Sale!

    Systra, Tome 1 Audiobook

    Original price was: $23.09.Current price is: $18.47.

    Secoue par la violence des conditions climatiques lextinction de milliers despces et lpuisement de ses ressources la Terre pousse un cri dalarme Face cette dtresse et dans un ultime espoir de survie les humains instaurent de nouvelles dispositions sociales Si lAmrique voit apparatre des purges sanglantes lEurope elle annonce la cration de la loi Systra…

  • Sale!

    Tales From Beyond the Rainbow Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.06.Current price is: $8.05.

    Brought to you by Penguin Ten captivating stories of love loss adventure and resilience celebrating LGBTQ heroes published as a collection of queer classics for the first time These are the fairy tales that history forgot or concealed Tales in which gender is fluid and where queer stories can have a happy ending From the…

  • Sale!

    Tangled Fortunes Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.49.Current price is: $9.19.

    North East England 2046 Daniel a fearless scavenger scours an old landfill for hidden treasures while his cousin Michelle hustles to make ends meet through coding and hacking

  • Sale!

    Teaching Machines how To Cry Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.24.Current price is: $13.79.

    In Teaching Machines How to Cry Paula HidalgoSanchis explores the story of Alba a young woman seeking answers for a feeling of longing she cant explain and M an AI prototype

  • Sale!

    Teitn el Soberbio Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.16.Current price is: $2.53.

    En Teitn el Soberbio publicado por primera vez en 1895 Nilo Mara Fabra se adelanta en ms de 50 aos a la distopa totalitaria del 1984 de George Orwell y nos presenta una humanidad dominada por el miedo en la que un tirano Teitn el Soberbio reina sobre todo el planeta apoyado en la tecnologa…

  • Sale!

    Teleport 2 Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    James and his team are stranded on Prime Their way back is blocked and they face a world taking its last breaths Only a small area of forest seems to defy the radiation and storms and its nature puzzles the explorers But on the horizon they see the remains of a city and gain new…

  • Sale!

    Teleport 3 Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The transition through the experimental teleporter on AlAntis was successful James and his team have found the original teleporter of the elders But what awaits them on the other side is not what they expected They find the answers they so ardently desire but none of them makes their future any easier On the contrary…

  • Sale!

    Teleport Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Joshua T Calvert has a gift for making nailbiting science fiction that you cant put down Get ready for some sleepless nights M A Rothman USA Today bestselling author In Lake Maracaibo in the northwestern part of Venezuela a longhidden extraterrestrial artifact underneath the ocean floor triggers a disaster The United States military launches an…

  • Sale!

    Terminus Rising Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    A universe on the verge of collapse A desperate race for survival Ancient truths finally revealed While Adam Cain and his team are on a desperate mission to stop the creature Temoc from a deadly encounter with Summer Rains and her evil phantom presence Jnae we learn more about how everything that has transpired over…

  • Sale!

    Termush Faber Editions Audiobook

    Original price was: $33.06.Current price is: $26.45.

    Championed by Jeff VanderMeer a classic stunning dangerous darkly beautiful welcome to a luxury hotel at the end of the world in this postapocalyptic 1967 dystopia Chilling and prescient Andrew Hunter Murray Elemental and true Kiran Millwood Hargrave Mesmerizing Sandra Newman Like someone from the future screaming to us Salena Godden The day we came…

  • Sale!

    Terra Utopia Audiobook

    Original price was: $24.14.Current price is: $19.31.

    A group of interstellar travellers crash land on astrange but beautiful planet that seemsincapable of change But there is more to thisnew world than meets the eyeAnd its not just the monster in the woods

  • Sale!

    Terradox Beyond Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.49.Current price is: $9.19.

    They didnt think creating a new world would be easy but no one ever expectedthis

  • Sale!

    The Absolute Animorphs #51 Audiobook

    Original price was: $19.94.Current price is: $15.95.

    The Yeerks arent playing around anymore Theyre no longer hiding behind a silent invasion And one of the first steps in their new plan is to take over the National Guard to prepare for allout war against humanityMarco and the other Animorphs couldnt be less prepared for this news The Yeerks know who they are…

  • Sale!

    The Adventures of Prissy and Missy Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.97.Current price is: $3.98.

    Youre invited to take a fantastic journey to the mysterious planet Mars with two of the sweetest sisters you may ever meet Prissy and Missy are multicultural feline twins whose hearts and lives are consistently filled with love curiosity humor well being education and unforgettable day to day adventurous experiencesIn this powerfully written spectacular outer…

  • Sale!

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    Step into the enchanting world of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain a timeless classic that captures the essence of childhood adventures and the thrill of growing up in the American South This audiobook immerses you in the mischievous and imaginative world of Tom Sawyer a young boy with an insatiable curiosity and…

  • Sale!

    The All-Consuming World Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Maya has died and been resurrected into countless cyborg bodies through the years of a long dangerous career with the infamous Dirty Dozen the most storied crew of criminals in the galaxy at least before their untimely and gruesome demise Decades later she and her diverse team of broken diminished outlaws must get back together…

  • Sale!

    The Amazing World of Doctor Who Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.63.Current price is: $12.50.

    Geoffrey Beevers Louise Jameson and Dan Starkey perform these stories and features from the celebrated book of the same name First published in 1976 The Amazing World of Doctor Who thrilled fans with short stories and strips featuring the Fourth Doctor Sarah and Harry in brand new adventures It also supplied the lowdown on the…

  • Sale!

    The Architects Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    I am Andrew First Leader of the Architects Clan Weve managed to leave Novosibirsk where the zombies and mutants are becoming stronger and more numerous by the day Our goal now is to found our own city But there are many other groups of survivors besides us and every one of them wants to get…

  • Sale!

    The Archive Undying Audiobook

    Original price was: $34.64.Current price is: $27.71.

    War machines and AI gods run amok in The Archive Undying national bestseller Emma Mieko Candons bold entry into the world of mecha fiction WHEN AN AI DIES ITS CITY DIES WITH IT WHEN A CITY FALLS IT LEAVES A CORPSE BEHIND WHEN THAT CORPSE RUNS OFF ONLY DEVOTION CAN BRING IT BACK When the…