Science Fiction

Showing 581–600 of 977 results

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    Reqiuem Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.59.Current price is: $3.67.

    Soon after realizing her exlover was killed by her alter ego Alice Parsons awakens to a new reality forever changed by the growing desolation that is the Appalachian Wasteland

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    Return Protocol Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.94.Current price is: $18.35.

    An abandoned space station a hostile alien planet and a lost squad eighteen hundred light years from Earth How far would you go for that one chance to get home

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    Richard: War Erupts Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.44.Current price is: $9.15.

    Fresh off of his victory over the galaxys greatest and most ancient foes the extradimensional dragons the boyking Richard is ready for a break After all even with cosmic powers that allow him to teleport anywhere in an instant or conjure up objects out of nothing theres still only so much a fifteenyearold kid from…

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    Ride the Thunder Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    An international mission tracking the source of monsters and a familiar surprise await the Elemental Idina Moorfield and Hellions Bravo Team

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    Rieden Reece and the Final Flower Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.94.Current price is: $18.35.

    Infection Infestation Infinity Can Ri untangle this latest madness A terrible threat to humanitys existence which he helped create

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    Ring Audiobook

    Original price was: $39.89.Current price is: $31.91.

    Wormhole technology has revealed that our sun will die in 5000000 years A race of superbeings the fabulous Xeelee owners of the universe are thought to be responsible The bizarre and wealthy cult the Superet funds two projects aimed at combatting the force that will murder the sun

  • Sale!

    Ripples in Time Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    July 1816Kendra Donovan could use a distraction The FBI agent has been dealing with a serious case of cold feet after impulsively agreeing to marry Alec the Marquis of Sutcliffe And if that isnt enough there is also the tantalizing possibility that maybe just maybe she could return to her own timeline When Reginald Lansing…

  • Sale!

    Rise of the AI Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The Singularity enters the Federation Its citizens are AIs And no one knows how to treat them From collaborations to masterslave every relationship is different when they shouldnt be The AIs fight back but on a level none of the other members understand The fight starts slowly but when the realization of whats happening hits…

  • Sale!

    Riviera Napalm Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.74.Current price is: $12.59.

    RIVIERA NAPALM dove di liscio c solo il tuo teschioDopo il Crollo lestate dura sei mesi e in Emilia Romagna vigono i decreti antimutagene Gli inquisitori di Bonificato I papa morto tre volte e risorto due premono sulla Linea Gotica difesa da falangi di culturisti ultr Albanesi bionici pirateggiano lAdriatico brodo di scorie e orrori…

  • Sale!

    RoboLOVE #2 – Operaatio Copper Blood Audiobook

    Original price was: $14.69.Current price is: $11.75.

    Panamerikan valtiot vuonna 2056Lennox Copper ei pse yli vaimonsa vkivaltaisesta kuolemasta eik varsinkaan omasta osuudestaan siihen Kun hallituksen joukot kaappaavat miehen ja muuttavat hnet hybridisotilaaksi hnen kohtalonsa nytt sinetidylt Lennox onnistuu kuitenkin pakenemaan ja lyt turvan Hunters Lanen kapinallisten luota Hn joutuu kohtaamaan traumaattisen menneisyytens kun hn saa tehtvkseen suojella maailmankuulua vaikuttajaa Jill Ambushia salamurhaajalta…

  • Sale!

    Robots through the Ages Audiobook

    Original price was: $24.10.Current price is: $19.28.

    A remarkable collection Robots through the Ages includes stories from some of the best writers of science fiction both old and new

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    Rockabye, Grady Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.71.Current price is: $2.17.

    Pruut is a small hot planet covered with fern forests and swamps and inhabited by one of the innumerable primatehuman species of the universe It was also inhabited for a while by one Terran James Grady The natives called their world PruutGrady called it The Mud Hole He was the sole human on the planet…

  • Sale!

    Rubicons Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.40.Current price is: $23.52.

    Finding themselves Fighting together Growing apart Its junior year in Quapaw City Arkansas With it comes a new foe that even the Freaks cannot stopadulthood As they ponder what the future will be like with college and careers looming they must contend with the evermoredangerous threat of the Team the shadowy government agency determined to…

  • Sale!

    Ruins of the Prime Ones Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Captain Melias Volery is a Sentinel a warrior who travels the galaxy protecting those that cant protect themselvesif they can afford to pay for his services Whether you call them mercenaries or heroes theres no denying their effectiveness but even these experienced warriors may be in over their head in the ruins of the Prime…

  • Sale!

    Rune Seeker Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    The Everfail will rise His enemies will fallHiral is the Everfail the weakest person on the flying island of Fallen Reach He trains harder than any warrior Studies longer than any scholarBut all his people are born with magic powered by the sun flowing through tattoos on their bodies Despite having enormous energy within Hiral…

  • Sale!

    Runtime Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    The Minerva Sierra Challenge is a grueling spectacle the cyborgs Tour de France Rich thrill seekers with corporate sponsorships extensive support teams and topoftheline exoskeletal and internal augmentations pit themselves against the elements in a daylong race across the Sierra Nevadas Marmeg Guinto doesnt have funding and she doesnt have support She cobbled her gear…

  • Sale!

    Sam 527 Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.53.Current price is: $3.62.

    A mix of improv journal entry and science fiction this adventure tale is weird funny and makes you wonder about real Reality

  • Sale!

    Sanctuary Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.24.Current price is: $13.79.

    Ess Fremont and the Blue Lotus Society know the Originators have been infiltrated by Revisionists their ancestral enemies in the quest to rewrite or protect history The treachery has reached even to their headquarters Sanctuary an underground complex near San Francisco

  • Sale!

    SARAH Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.84.Current price is: $14.27.

    Sarah verliert fast ihre ganze Familie durch ein tdliches Virus Damit ist sie nicht allein nur wenige Menschen berleben die KrankheitVllig unvorbereitet findet sich die junge Frau in einer postapokalyptischen Welt wieder Um zu berleben muss sie schnell lernen sich zu behaupten und gegen ihre Gegner durchzusetzenSarah macht sich auf die Suche nach der letzten…

  • Sale!

    Sarnaths undergang Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.89.Current price is: $2.31.

    The Doom That Came to Sarnath er en fantasy novelle som H P Lovecraft skrev den 3 december 1919 Stilen er mytisk fantasy og regnes for at vre en del af Lovecrafts Dream Cycle Den blev frste gang publiseret i juni 1920 i The Scot som var et skotsk magasin for fiktion skrevet af amatrerNovellen…