Science Fiction

Showing 541–560 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    Philip K. Dick – Beyond Lies the Wub Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.71.Current price is: $2.17.

    It was a 400 pound slobbering disgusting blob with tiny piggy eyes that peered dimly out at the world perpetually looking for a place to lie down and sleep but maybe it was good to eatThe crew of the spaceship had never seen anything like it before but they were desperate for anything to eat…

  • Sale!

    Philip K. Dick – The Hanging Stanger Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    Ed Loyce lives a happy and normal life is a happy and normal small town in mid America But today something strange happens In the late evening on his way to work at his TV sales and repair shop he passes the tiny one block park in the middle of town and sees something hanging…

  • Sale!

    Philip K. Dick: Mr. Spaceship Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.53.Current price is: $3.62.

    The war with the Yucks from Proxima Centauri was claimed to be a stalemate but they were really winning The mine belts they laid seemed to propagate themselves and were slowly strangling Terran planets How did they do that What was their secret The answer was baffling and the best human minds could only conclude…

  • Sale!

    Pines Audiobook

    Original price was: $18.75.Current price is: $15.00.

    The first book of the smashhit Wayward Pines trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of Dark Matter Recursion and Upgrade Secret Service agent Ethan Burke arrives in Wayward Pines Idaho with a mission locate two federal agents who went missing in the bucolic town one month earlier But within minutes of his arrival…

  • Sale!

    Pipe Dream Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    Simon Grue found a twoinch mermaid in his bathtub It had arms hips a finny tail and here the real trouble began a face that reminded him irresistibly of the girl next door Simon at first thought his roommate had been smoking some strange stuff in that bubble pipe of his and the fumes was…

  • Sale!

    Pirate’s Code Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    The fate of the galaxy depends on two reluctant heroes Digger du Bois led the galaxys pirate armada until a recent coup left him marooned But Digger has a trick up his sleevea coded map to a hidden arsenal Hell reclaim his position once he decodes the file claims the weapons and finds his way…

  • Sale!

    Pirates of the Galactic Empire Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.34.Current price is: $8.27.

    War rages within all fringe outposts The Trini Trade Lanes are no longer safe for pirates All looks hopeless as the Galactic Space Forces are very powerful But the pirateSean Finnigan and his motley crew have a plan

  • Sale!

    Planet Eden, Teil 11: Planet Eden Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.61.Current price is: $5.29.

    Die Bewohner der Raumstation Lunaris erkranken nach und nach an dem todbringenden Virus den die Crew der Montanari von ihrer Weltraummission mitgebracht hat Ein Impfstoff muss her und zwar schnell Roscoe und sein Team machen sich auf den Weg nach Brasilien In einem geheimen Labor versteckt im tiefsten Regenwald mssen sich der Captain und Helix…

  • Sale!

    Planet Eden, Teil 12: Planet Eden Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.61.Current price is: $5.29.

    Auf der OrbiterStation Lunaris geht ein unterbrochener Notruf von der Erde ein Gibt es berraschend doch noch berlebende oder handelt es sich um eine Falle Commander Justine und Todor fliegen auf das Schlimmste vorbereitet unverzglich zur Erde um dem mysterisen Notrufsignal nachzugehen Schon kurz nach ihrer Ankunft geraten sie in einen heimtckischen Hinterhalt aus dem…

  • Sale!

    Planet Eden, Teil 13: Planet Eden Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.61.Current price is: $5.29.

    Das berraschende Auftauchen von Roscoes Sohn Jared wirft viele Fragen auf Wie konnte er der Apokalypse entkommen Was Jared zu berichten hat lsst die Crew der Lunaris an seinem Verstand zweifeln Doch falls er die Wahrheit sagen sollte kann der Lauf der Geschichte verndert werden Und manchmal bentigt man eine Katastrophe um eine noch schlimmere…

  • Sale!

    Plot Twist Audiobook

    Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $18.40.

    Julie Cromwell is a selfish manipulative insecure woman and those are her best qualities She sets up a fake kidnapping to see if her husband will pay a million dollars for her safe return Something goes wrong and she winds up dead This is the first plot twist but certainly not the last Enter lead…

  • Sale!

    Posing As People: Three Stories, Three Plays – Abridged Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.70.Current price is: $12.56.

    Science fiction is rare in theatrical form but with Posing As People three unforgettable scifi stories by Orson Scott Card are adapted into powerful stage plays by three different writers

  • Sale!

    Post-Apocalyptic Joe in a Cinematic Wasteland – Episode 1: When It Rains, It Pours Audiobook

    Original price was: $4.59.Current price is: $3.67.

    Every chapter gets better and better Cant wait to read more Have no idea where this is going and loving it Ryan McKinney Writer and Director The Invited

  • Sale!

    Prelude to Foundation Audiobook

    Original price was: $21.21.Current price is: $16.97.

    WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD FOR BEST ALLTIME SERIES The Foundation series is Isaac Asimovs iconic masterpiece Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire the story of Hari Seldons two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination one that shaped science fiction as we know it today In a time before…

  • Sale!

    Princesa de Marte Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.19.Current price is: $13.75.

    Princesa de Marte es una novela de ciencia ficcin escrita por Edgar Rice Burroughs La historia sigue las aventuras de John Carter un veterano de guerra que es transportado misteriosamente al planeta Marte conocido como Barsoom en el libro En este mundo aliengena Carter se encuentra inmerso en un conflicto entre diferentes facciones y se…

  • Sale!

    Princess of Dune Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.84.Current price is: $16.67.

    Princess of Dune is the neverbeforetold story of two key women in the life of Paul MuadDibPrincess Irulan his wife in name only and Pauls true love the Fremen Chani Both women become central to Pauls galaxyspanning Imperial reign Raised in the Imperial court and born to be a political bargaining chip Irulan was sent…

  • Sale!

    Prize Ship Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    It is outrageous A tiny moon Ganymede with no military to speak of is holding all the other planets of the Sol system hostage The other planets of the system are impotent to do anything because Ganymede controls the cradles from which all support for the new colonies on Proxima Centauri must begin No one…

  • Sale!

    Progeney Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    Philip K Dick held a fascination for nuclear war and robots In this excellent short story robots or AI have taken over the raising of children

  • Sale!

    Project Chrysalis Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    A generation after a global plague depletes humanity and divides the world Jenn and Mykol are brought together by a mysterious project and uncover a secret that changes everything they think they know On Jenns side of the citys impenetrable walls power military discipline and unimaginable technology On Mykols darkened streets deteriorating infrastructure and a…

  • Sale!

    Projekt Pluto ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.01.Current price is: $17.61.

    Die Menschheit hat sich ber das gesamte Sonnensystem ausgebreitet Terraforming die Vernderung ganzer Planeten um sie erdhnlicher zu machen wird von allen Kolonien betrieben Projekt Plutoshine ist das bisher ambitionierteste TerraformingVorhaben sechs Milliarden Kilometer von der Sonne entfernt mit einer durchschnittlichen Oberflchentemperatur von 242 C braucht Pluto vor allem Licht und Wrme Beides soll durch…