Science Fiction

Showing 501–520 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    Our Hideous Progeny Audiobook

    Original price was: $14.51.Current price is: $11.61.

    Brought to you by Penguin It is not the monster you have to fear but the monster it makes of men Mary is the greatniece of Victor Frankenstein She knows her uncle disappeared in mysterious circumstances in the Arctic but she doesnt know why or how She and her husband are trying to make a…

  • Sale!

    Out of the Silent Planet Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.09.Current price is: $1.67.

    Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis is a captivating work of science fiction that takes readers on an extraordinary journey to the mysterious planet Malacandra In this first installment of Lewiss Space Trilogy the narrative unfolds with the story of Dr Elwin Ransom a linguistics professor who finds himself unexpectedly transported to an…

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    Out There Screaming Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.77.Current price is: $18.22.

    The New York Times Bestseller Jordan Peele the visionary writer and director of Get Out Us and Nope curates this anthology of brand new stories of Black horror Exploring not only the terrors of the supernatural but also the chilling reality of injustice that haunts our world A glorious showcase of Black American horror The…

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    Outcast of the Stars Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.29.Current price is: $1.83.

    Yorkan Varr was exiled to the prison planet the refuse heap of the universe Earth for a crime he knew he had never committed Oddly the man who had framed him was there as a prisoner too His sentence was for life which would not be very long on Earth

  • Sale!

    Overlord, Vol. 10 Audiobook

    Original price was: $27.28.Current price is: $21.82.

    After a bloody turn of events Ainz has established the Nation of Darkness aiming to create a utopia where people of all races can enjoy everlasting prosperityas long they kneel before him His first goal is to expand the Adventurers Guild to nurture new talent a task that requires him to vacate his throne for…

  • Sale!

    Overlord, Vol. 8 Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    After being saved from danger by Ainz Enri and the apothecary Nfirea have been living life to the fullest as they spend their days together in Carne Village alongside their goblinguard neighbors But after the Wise King of the Forest left the region the balance of the forest has been disrupted and something has filled…

  • Sale!

    Overlord, Vol. 9 Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    The annual war between the kingdom and the empire almost always ends in little more than a staring contest This year the Fresh Blood Emperors visit to Nazarick will change everything Ainz himself has joined the fray which is a dark omen of the coming storm The arrival of the absolute ruler of Nazarick means…

  • Sale!

    Overrun Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Civil war threatens to splinter the galaxy Carnegie first human Alcazar member attempts to get in the captains good graces with a hint on Lincolns whereabouts After sixteen long years Lance must decide between duty and family Only to have his command taken away by a new SOAT operative Under constant surveillance by the new…

  • Sale!

    Owls to Athens Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    After some long and perilous journeys Menedemos and Sostratos finally head back to Athens just in time for the Dionysia a bacchanalian festival of plays and celebrations Like earlier installments in the series Owls to Athens has the cousins going through various adventures trade negotiations and sexual escapades all set against a finely painted mosaic…

  • Sale!

    P.O.W. Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Captured The Veles have retreated to their last stronghold Lance finds himself in an underground facility where old friends and even older enemies must work together to survive the grueling experiments conducted by Irene Amber and Doctor Cecil With no backup and no support Lances skills are put to their greatest test in a fight…

  • Sale!

    Pairing Up Audiobook

    Original price was: $23.43.Current price is: $18.74.

    For decades George RR Martin bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire and creator of A GAME OF THRONES has collaborated with an ensemble of science fiction and fantasy icons to create the amazing Wild Cards universe Tales of Love amp Lust from the World of the Wild Cards An alien virus has…

  • Sale!

    Paradise-1 Audiobook

    Original price was: $47.24.Current price is: $37.79.

    An electric blend of sciif and horrorParadise1 begins a terrifying new trilogy of exploration and survival in deep space from Arthur C Clarke Awardnominated author David Wellington Asuperior space thriller that never flagsReaders will be on the edge of their seats Publishers Weekly starred review Paradise1 Earths first deep space colony For thousands of people…

  • Sale!

    Paradox Alley Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The conclusion to the classic Skyway series by the awardwinning author of Castle Perilous Jake McGraw independent space trucker has been shanghaied He and his crew fresh off their adventures in Starrigger and Red Limit Freeway are plucked off the Skyway by a creature of unknown power Now on an alien planet where most of…

  • Sale!

    Passage Audiobook

    Original price was: $36.74.Current price is: $29.39.

    A psychologist specializing in neardeath experiences Dr Joanna Lander has spent two years recording the experiences of those who have been declared clinically dead and lived to tell about it A new doctor has arrived at Mercy General one with the power to give Joanna the chance to get as close to death as anyone…

  • Sale!

    Paul Durell – Mein Nachbar der Roboter ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.77.Current price is: $7.02.

    Paul Durell eine Knstliche Intelligenz ist Teil der Testphasevon sechzig freilebenden Robotern Doch wie begegnet der Mensch der Maschine

  • Sale!

    Pebble in the Sky Audiobook

    Original price was: $18.98.Current price is: $15.18.

    Caught up in an experiment gone wrong Joseph Schwartz is transported forward in time from postwar Chicago to the heyday of the first Galactic Empire Earth he soon learns is a backwater despised by the other two hundred million planets of the Empire because its people dare to claim it as the original home of…

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    Pending Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.44.Current price is: $2.75.

    Trent doesnt know what year it is They wont tell him Questions will result in more time added to his work commitment Hes obedient and an effective employee but his frustration is unbearable He feels different from everyone else but in unique ways he cant explain Since socializing is discouraged the only consistent way to…

  • Sale!

    Perry Rhodan Neo 302: Labyrinth des Wassers Audiobook

    Original price was: $12.59.Current price is: $10.07.

    Anfang des 22 Jahrhunderts scheint fr die Menschheit endlich eine Ruhepause anzubrechen Die Erde und der Mond sind zurck im Solsystem es gibt keine Konflikte mit feindlichen Mchten und die Menschen arbeiten engagiert an der Zukunft ihres kleinen Sternenreichs

  • Sale!

    Perry Rhodan Neo 303: Zeit und Zorn Audiobook

    Original price was: $12.59.Current price is: $10.07.

    Seit mehr als einem Dreivierteljahrhundert reist die Menschheit zu den Sternen und hat zahlreiche Konflikte sowie kosmische Katastrophen bewltigt Nach einer Phase des Friedens und Aufbaus zeichnet sich aber neues Unheil fr das kleine Sternenreich der Terraner ab

  • Sale!

    Perry Rhodan Neo 305: Die Wasserwelt Audiobook

    Original price was: $12.59.Current price is: $10.07.

    Seit mehr als einem Dreivierteljahrhundert reist die Menschheit zu den Sternen und hat zahlreiche Konflikte sowie kosmische Katastrophen bewltigt Nach einer Phase des Friedens und Aufbaus zeichnet sich im Jahr 2112 jedoch neues Unheil fr das kleine Sternenreich der Terraner ab