Science Fiction

Showing 481–500 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    Nomad Healer Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Monty was dead until he wasnt His body was no longer his own having been shoved into a dying priest in the heart of a totally different world of magic and death The priest had been protecting a caravana duty Monty now inheritedand he was faced with bandits and worse all while keeping up the…

  • Sale!

    Nosotros Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.84.Current price is: $14.27.

    Un gran clsico de la literatura que inspir 1984 de George Orwell y predijo los peores excesos del imperio sovitico A la altura de las novelas distpicas de Margaret Atwood

  • Sale!

    Not Alone Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.41.Current price is: $13.93.

    IN A DYING WORLD HOW FAR WILL A MOTHER GO TO SAVE HER CHILD Not Alone kept me breathless with tension Emma Donoghue bestselling author of RoomIntensely moving genuinely gripping plausible and absorbing Charlotte Mendelson author of The Exhibitionist Five years ago a toxic microplastics storm killed most of the population Now Katie a young…

  • Sale!

    Not The Hill We Die On Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Part 3 Episode 4 A new threat on the horizon A faraway world to explore A new technology to employ An opportunity that cant be ignored The Free Ship Aurora has taken on a new responsibility To protect even those who do not ask to be protected But to do so they will have to…

  • Sale!

    Nothing but the Rain Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    A sleepy little town discovers its memories have become part of the water cycle in Naomi Salmans debut novella Nothing but the Rain The rain in Aloisville is neverending and no one can remember when it started Theres not much they can remember With every drop that hits their skin a bit of memory is…

  • Sale!

    Nullform #5 Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Striving for the top is the path of the strongest If you are not moving upward sooner or later you will tumble back to the bottom Elb has long understood that life in a cage and among the scum is not for him He cares not for his new higher position in stinky Drainagetown The…

  • Sale!

    Nullform #6 Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The upward journey is always tough The higher you climb the stronger smarter and more savage the enemy And nobody is insured against loss Elbs tightknit combat unit has lost a number of fighters Loyal comradesinarms decided to leave the squad just as it was entering a zone full of deadly dangerous beasties a time…

  • Sale!

    Nullform #7 Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Zombieland is fiendish and dangerous The place that has gobbled up many leaving only ground bones draws Elb and his team ever deeper into its decaying bowels Doing battle with eternally hungry beasts who were once people Elb is fast gaining status as well as the respect of other zombie hunters Zombieland however is capable…

  • Sale!

    Of Mycelium and Men Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Lida was their last chance for an uncolonized planet But a worldspanning fungus had colonized it first Agetha and her husband have spent their whole lives in the fleets zeroG Now all is turmoil as the fleet lands discovering they are surrounded by a single fungal biomass spanning the entire planet To build a new…

  • Sale!

    Of Slicing Men Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    So remember that whole send Montana to the capitalhes ready for prime time plan Yeah That mightve been a little bit hasty Our hirsute hero really stepped in it Like is on the verge of losing his dukedom and everything hes worked for stepped in it The only way out A littleknown technicality that stops…

  • Sale!

    OFFF – Spherope, Band 1 ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.49.Current price is: $13.19.

    KlappentextIn the year twentyone twentyoneDie Welt wie wir sie kennen existiert nicht mehr weil inzwischen ein Groteil der Erdoberflche der des Mars hneltAber die Menschheit existiert auf zwei unterschiedliche Arten Die Analogen leben in Sphren Habitaten unter Kuppeln aus Graphen und Polymeren geschtzt von Filtern und Spiegeln Die Digitalen existieren als denkende Form von Nullen…

  • Sale!

    On Stormy Seas Audiobook

    Original price was: $28.74.Current price is: $22.99.

    All good things must end and a reluctant Siobhan Dunmoore trades command of her battle group for a staff job ashore

  • Sale!

    On the Trail of the Space Pirates Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    On the Trail of the Space Pirates is the third in a series first published in the 1950s and was the inspiration for many science fiction movies and television shows of the period Filled with action intrigue and good old fashioned values The Tom Corbett Space Cadet Adventures still hold the power they did when…

  • Sale!

    Once Upon a Lucky Star Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    GUESS WHAT IM NOT DEAD YET My name is Storm Redfield Navy Commander still kicking ass at 161 years old So far Ive had a good time in the twentythird century I discovered space travel and fought evil creatures in a distant star system Made friends with a oneeyed Cyclopean who sounds like a British…

  • Sale!

    One More Knight Audiobook

    Original price was: $9.19.Current price is: $7.35.

    Some balls end with a glass slipper while others end with a blade at your throat

  • Sale!

    One Night in Ikh Khulan Audiobook

    Original price was: $7.48.Current price is: $5.98.

    One Night in Ikh Khulan takes readers on a thrilling journey through a postapocalyptic Mongol global empire In this enthralling tale we follow the ambitious smalltown governor Dzondzuukii as he rises through the ranks of power However his ascent comes at a price as he finds himself caught in a web of deceit and manipulation

  • Sale!

    Operacja Fobos Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.39.Current price is: $6.71.

    Czy ludzko opracuje skuteczny plan ochrony przed radioaktywn plazm stanowic zagroenie dla wszystkiego co yje Czy moliwa jest przeprowadzka na Marsa i jakie bd tego konsekwencje dla przyszych pokoleSoce umiera Na jego powierzchni dochodzi do gwatownych wybuchw Ogromne strumienie rozpalonej radioaktywnej plazmy kr w kosmosie stanowic zagroenie dla wszystkiego co ywe Ziemska atmosfera jeszcze chroni…

  • Sale!

    Orffs Sonnenreigen – Raumschiff Promet – Von Stern zu Stern, Folge 32 Ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.02.Current price is: $8.82.

    Auf Baranad der Heimatwelt des Orff leben die Bewohner in streng getrennten Kasten Verbindungen zwischen diesen Klassen sind bei Strafe verboten Ein junges Paar wehrt sich dagegen und nimmt Kontakt zum Widerstand auf mit tragischen FolgenDie Besatzung der Promet II wird in einen mrderischen Konflikt hineingezogen und muss gegen die VollstreckerRoboter des Orff kmpfen whrend…

  • Sale!

    Ostatnia siostra Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.39.Current price is: $6.71.

    Ile powicisz by ocali tych ktrzy s dla ciebie najwaniejsiGoye ma tylko jeden cel pragnie odnale swoje siostry ktrych byty cielesne i duchowe dawno temu odczyy si od siebie i rozproszyy Aby znw si z nimi zjednoczy kobieta jest w stanie powici wszystko i wszystkich Podczas poszukiwa trwajcych kilka tysicy lat Ziemia jak znamy przestaje…

  • Sale!

    Ostatnia z Krwi Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    Mroczna Brutalna Zaskakujca Powie Aleksandry Pilch nie pozwoli ci zasnTrudno jest przey gdy wszyscy prbuj ci zabi Dalillah Roy to jedyna ocalaa z eksterminacji sabatu Krwi Bezlitoni zmiennoksztatni podaj jej tropem od miesicy a zmczona dziewczyna ju prawie si nie udzi e uzyska gdzie wsparcie Gdy zostaje porwana przez faszywego ksidza i wyszczekanego Omeg musi…