Science Fiction

Showing 421–440 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    Mari and the Curse of El Cocodrilo Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    From Pura Belpr Honorwinning author Adrianna Cuevas comes Mari and the Curse of El Cocodrilo a new middle grade novel about a young Cuban American girl who must fight to break a curse of bad luck set upon her by El Cocodrilo when she rejects her familys traditions

  • Sale!

    Marsjaska gorczka Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.39.Current price is: $6.71.

    Odkryj nieznan stron MarsaOto wiat w ktrym granice rzeczywistoci zacieraj si a szalestwo staje si now normBilly Anders wiodcy nudne ycie urzdnik pracujcy w Veramie stolicy Niepodlegego Marsa zaczyna zauwaa niepokojce zmiany w otoczeniu Wszystko jest na opak on sam za cay czas ma wraenie e ludzie wok zwariowali dziwnie si patrz bekocz a nawet…

  • Sale!

    Matriarch Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Gitte isnt looking forward to becoming Matriarch of her people But if all goes well it wont happen for a long time She thought shed already found her true calling Her life is filled with training mages Imperium emergencies and filling in for a leader who refuses to leave their planet But theres something she…

  • Sale!

    Maxs Logs Vol. 2 Audiobook

    Original price was: $13.64.Current price is: $10.91.

    When your very thoughts can shape the digital reality that surrounds you can you still stay grounded or will you go off the deep end Max has got a lot of things on his plate from dealing with a restless volcano to building a huge spaceship in secret And in his spare time he must…

  • Sale!

    Menace from Vega Audiobook

    Original price was: $2.71.Current price is: $2.17.

    The beautiful girl lying naked and curled in a fetal position on the padded floor was a genius Or rather had been before suddenly going crazy and then catatonic 3 years before Jim Lawrence the chief psychiatrist was responsible for her care and it is understandable that he was upset when five strange dark men…

  • Sale!

    Menacing Manor Audiobook

    Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $14.40.

    Book four in the tragic series about the SinisterWinterbottom twins who must solve one wretched mystery after the next brought to you by 1 New York Times bestselling author KIERSTEN WHITE The electrifying penultimate adventure finds the SinisterWinterbottoms at the manor of Mr Frank and Dr Stein After escaping from Edgarent and Dr Jay the…

  • Sale!

    Merchant Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $18.39.

    A child awakens to discover his destiny but powerful forces want to destroy him Will he survive

  • Sale!

    Message From Mars Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.44.Current price is: $2.75.

    Message From Mars by Clifford D Simak Fiftyfive pioneers had died on the bridge of bones that spanned the Void to the rusty plains of Mars Now the fiftysixth stood on the red planet his only ship a total wreckand knew that Earth was doomed unless he could send a warning within hours

  • Sale!

    Metamorphosis Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    D M Hermakowski presents Book 2 in the Epiphany Realms series Contains mature themes

  • Sale!

    Metaxysm Audiobook

    Original price was: $9.19.Current price is: $7.35.

    I shouldnt have brought Metaxysm outside the lab Even looking at it now I know something strange has happened with it

  • Sale!

    Metropolis Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    This book is not of today or of the future It tells of no place It serves no cause party or class It has a moral which grows on the pillar of understanding The mediator between brain and muscle must be the Heart Thea von Harbou in the novels original epigraph Originally published in German…

  • Sale!

    Mickey 7 – Der letzte Klon Ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $28.63.Current price is: $22.90.

    Mickey hat einen einfachen Job Er hilft einer Expeditionscrew den Eisplaneten Niflheim zu kolonisieren und dabei bernimmt er alle gefhrlichen Aufgaben Wenn er draufgeht ist das kein Problem denn dann wird einfach der nchste Klon von Mickey generiert und macht da weiter wo sein Vorgnger aufgehrt hat Aber irgendwann fasst Mickey Nr 7 einen unerhrten…

  • Sale!

    Microserfs & Girlfriend in a Coma Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.63.Current price is: $12.50.

    Couplands iconic novels brought to life in two fullcast adaptations Bursting onto the literary scene in 1991 with his debut Generation X Douglas Couplands novels swiftly established themselves as modern classics and brought the term Gen X into the mainstream His work still has resonance in todays world with his vivid explorations of identity and…

  • Sale!

    Midnight Bounties 2 Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Blood covers the floors and walls of the Midnight Bounties But hey Ragul the vampire barkeeper wont be going hungry tonight Meanwhile the bounty hunters and mercenaries are reminded of their place thanks to the corpses buried under the outhouse Frank and his team have their work cut out for them The club needs new…

  • Sale!

    Mind Burn Audiobook

    Original price was: $24.10.Current price is: $19.28.

    Minority Report meets Ready Player One as a new investigator hunts down a dangerous criminal capable of highjacking and controlling cybernetic implants

  • Sale!

    Mindbreaker Audiobook

    Original price was: $33.59.Current price is: $26.87.

    Set in the same world as the extraordinary Mindwalker Mindbreaker is an action packed young adult science fiction novel asking what would you sacrifice to surviveThey saved her life But at what cost Born into a religious antitech cult seventeenyearold Indra lives a simple modfree existence on the fringe of society But when an illicit…

  • Sale!

    Minimum Safe Distance Audiobook

    Original price was: $13.21.Current price is: $10.57.

    Written and narrated by neurodivergentsFirst contact was nothing like we imaginedCan the aliens save Earth Should they With the Earth teetering on recovery from humanitys 21st century mistakes two highly advanced aliens observing from the Moon are suddenly on opposite sides of an ethical battle over a dire cosmic threat

  • Sale!

    Minute Mage Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    When you steal Time Magic prepare to run for eternity Arlan can go back in time by one minute once per dayFail a challenge Say something dumb He can get a redo as long as he acts fast And every time he levels up he can go back a little furtherBut even with his growing…

  • Mischievous Morgan the Marvelous Audiobook


    Travel through time and space with Morgan a young woman caught between two worlds In a future where magic and technology are one the social classes are sharply divided Noble classes have access to the power of arcana While lower classes must make do with enchanted technology But an attack on the planet sets Morgan…

  • Sale!

    Mon Archtype Audiobook

    Original price was: $25.19.Current price is: $20.15.

    Un thriller captivant dans une socit futuriste digne de Black MirrorDans un futur proche limmortalit est porte de main mais la vie prive est sacrifie Lorsque Holly se rveille avec une nouvelle identit impose elle devient une Rplique provisoire charge dinfiltrer un groupe terroriste Sa mission retrouver et liminer son Original responsable de la mort…