Science Fiction

Showing 321–340 of 977 results

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    Human for Hire — Armies of the Sun Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    The Human for Hire Has a particular set of skills And now hes about to put them to deadly use Arieel Bol is the religious leader of the planet Formil Speaker of the Gods and Carrier of the Sacred Bloodline She also happens to be The Humans exlover and the mother of his daughter Lila…

  • Sale!

    Human for Hire — Frontier Justice Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    The Human racks up the score in this one Thats because when you run out of options all you can do is Kill them Kill them all When The Human takes on a minor mercenary job of protecting a group of settlers against alien marauders it seems simple enough until the bad guys dont take…

  • Sale!

    Human for Hire — Sirius Cargo Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    The Transporter meets Mad Max In the latest Human for Hire adventure It started out as a simple weapons delivery to a planetary warlord But when Adam CainAKA The Humanis asked to transport an innocuouslooking package back to the warlords capital things take a turn for the worse Yeah you know what happens Adam looks…

  • Sale!

    Human for Hire Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Human A name that strikes terror in the hearts of the galaxy Well maybe not terror More like caution actually Since you know how hotheaded Humans can be After the galaxy was attacked by invaders the Milky Way was left but a shadow of its former self In its wake a savage almost Wild West…

  • Sale!

    Human for Hire Cellblock Orion Audiobook

    Original price was: $16.79.Current price is: $13.43.

    The alien known as The Human stands before this Tribunal having been found guilty of the crime of murder without circumstances You shall be interned in the Malx Prison for a term no less than your natural unnatural or transformative life without the possibility of reconsideration or commutation You have committed the most grievous crime…

  • Sale!

    Humans are Weird: We Took a Vote Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.94.Current price is: $18.35.

    If you are looking for epic space battles if you are looking for generals winning victory through genius tactics if you are looking for berserker warriors carrying empires aloft on their swords look elsewhere my friends Here you will find laughterHere a quartermaster must discover why the human insists that the mass produced broom identical…

  • Sale!

    Hunter Killer Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Human space station attacked Lances ex Amber and his SOAT mentor Chadavia along with the Predecessor artifact are missing With conflicting information as to who the culprit may be and prisoners refusing to talk deaths must be faked new identities forged and an unseen criminal underworld explored With the help of the only person in…

  • Sale!

    Hyper Traveler – Abridged Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    Hyper Traveler is a thrilling and inspiring tale of a young boy named Kamo who sets out on an adventure to explore the world in search of his lifes purpose

  • Sale!

    I Saw You Coming Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.02.Current price is: $2.42.

    When Blake the King of Death made his way to a Psychic Expo he entered with the expectation of encountering a multitude of individuals who were mere imposters selfdeceived individuals entangled in the illusion of having extraordinary abilities He thought hed be the only one with powers there

  • Sale!

    Ignore The Voices In Your Head Audiobook

    Original price was: $18.85.Current price is: $15.08.

    After leaving his favorite bar a wild womanizing advertising executive takes a woman back to his place and immediately regrets it Jack begins to hear a strange voice telling him to do horrible things Initially thinking his house may be haunted he becomes extremely paranoid after finding out he is being watched by other world…

  • Sale!

    Im Rattennest – Codename Ganymed – Das gefallene Imperium, Band 4 ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $8.77.Current price is: $7.02.

    Der Feldzug gegen die Hinrady verkommt immer mehr zum Stellungskrieg Fortschritte gibt es wenn berhaupt nur sprlich Die Republik pumpt immer weitere Truppen und Schiffe ins Kriegsgebiet Die Verluste steigen von Tag zu Tag Whrenddessen kehrt Tammy Rogers mit einem Verwundetentransport nach Vector Prime zurck Dort findet sie ihre Heimat grundlegend verndert vor Als ein…

  • Sale!

    Im Reich des Orff – Raumschiff Promet – Von Stern zu Stern, Folge 31 Ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.02.Current price is: $8.82.

    Im Auftrag der Terra States begibt sich die Promet II auf die Suche nach wertvollen Rohstoffen und dringt dabei in eine bisher unbekannte Region des Weltalls vor Was wie ein gewhnlicher Forschungsflug beginnt wird fr die Crew schnell zu einer unkalkulierbaren Gefahr Tonnenfrmige Raumschiffe tauchen auf und entfhren zwei Beiboote Fr Peet Orell beginnt ein…

  • Sale!

    Im Versteck des Rebellen – Ocean City, Teil 2 Ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.02.Current price is: $8.82.

    Ganz Ocean City jagt Jackson und Crockie Aber als sich die schwimmende Megastadt dem Festland nhert gelingt es den Freunden trotzdem sich dorthin abzusetzen Sie wollen auf dem Kontinent nach dem verbannten Rebellenfhrer suchen und ihn heimlich wieder in die Stadt einschleusen Denn ohne seine Hilfe scheint ein organisierter Widerstand kaum mglich Doch auf dem…

  • Sale!

    Imperial Deserter Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Kill a man and youre a murderer Kill a million and youre a statesman Dirk should have killed more people Dirriken Friedel used his aristocratic connections to rescue his troops He didnt plan on starting a war or killing them himself Now he spends his days in jail waiting for an assassin sent by his…

  • Sale!

    Imperial Smuggler Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    The guilty flee but everyone pursues Escaped Imperial officer Dirk doesnt care his crew are runaways revolutionaries and alleged criminals as long as theyre adequately competent and dont kill each other too often When a smuggling job goes badly wrong and they improvise hell trade competency for just nonsuicidal If one crime causes problems a…

  • Sale!

    Imperio Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    Un imperio destrozado Tras la muerte del Shogun en el Imperio de Shima se desata una terrible lucha entre los clanes para hacerse con el poder Con el fin de evitar la guerra civil el Gremio del Loto conspira para restaurar la dinasta Kazumitsu El prximo Shogun es alguien que conoce muy bien a Yukiko…

  • Sale!

    Implacable Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    Admiral John Black Jack Geary fears the greatest threat to humanity may be itself in this gripping continuation of the New York Times bestselling seriesAs far from explored space as any human has ever been Geary and the Alliance fleet are on their own protecting a diplomatic mission in territory belonging to an alien species…

  • Sale!

    Impossible Journey Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.14.Current price is: $2.51.

    2025 scientists plan to timetravel to Eden to warn Adam and Eve and thus prevent the fall putting an end to all evil and disease in the world But they can only travel 200 years more or less at a timeHaving gained the needed financial support from wealthy financier Mark Lewis the scientists manage to…

  • Sale!

    In My Dreams Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.02.Current price is: $2.42.

    The Necromantor Prince Jasper has his worst vision yet it is the end of the Earth in a galactic war when an assassin kills the king of the Earth the galactic emperor He must save the emperor and the Earth and the universe

  • Sale!

    In the Afterlight Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    The third audiobook in the heartstopping The Darkest Minds trilogy by New York Times bestselling author of Lore The fate of a generation lies in Rubys hands and one wrong move could set the world on fire One of the few survivors of a disease which killed most of Americas children Ruby has emerged as…