Science Fiction

Showing 281–300 of 977 results

  • Sale!

    Guardian of the Dungeon Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    Andrey has finally obtained the first of the five swords he needs to complete the Goddess of Fates quest Now his path is taking him to the subterranean city of the Gremlins Arkem Gremlins are unpleasant rascally creatures with a twisted system of logic and a penchant for limitless chaos So trying to negotiate with…

  • Sale!

    Guardianes Cunticos: La Batalla por la Realidad Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.98.Current price is: $4.78.

    En la inmensidad del espacio y el tiempo existen infinitas realidades cada una con sus propias leyes y misterios Es en este vasto multiverso donde nuestra historia comienza en una realidad muy similar a la nuestra pero con una diferencia crucial un grupo de valientes cientficos y guerreros han descubierto la existencia de un arma…

  • Sale!

    Guardians of the Galaxy: Annihilation Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    The Kree Empire is knocked back on its heels when the Phalanx a cybernetic race that converts hosts using a technoorganic virus seizes control of Hala the Kree homeworld The person who accidentally brought the Phalanx right to the heart of the Kree Empire Peter Quill otherwise known as StarLord The remnants of the Kree…

  • Sale!

    Gusta Gusto with Commentary Audiobook

    Original price was: $15.70.Current price is: $12.56.

    Gusta the rhino lady and her friend Gusto a rhino gentleman are going through different life situations with humanised emotions and circumstances However in a fantastic animalistic form touched with the breeze of charming humor poetry and animalistic wisdom This special edition of Gusta amp Gusto includes commentaries between Lea Sakran the mother and Laura…

  • Sale!

    Gutabara – VorTeks, Band 1 ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.26.Current price is: $2.61.

    Mitte des 23 Jahrhunderts hat sich die Menschheit ber die Grenzen der Erde hinaus entwickelt Viele Planeten und Monde des Sonnensystems sind besiedelt wenn auch oft nur von kleinen Bergbaukolonien oder Industrieanlagen Bis weit hinein in die Oortsche Wolke sind Auenposten bereits vorgedrungen

  • Sale!

    Hacked Future Audiobook

    Original price was: $12.64.Current price is: $10.11.

    It starts out with a body the stench of a body to be more precise Ross may have an idea why the man is dead in his flat but hes not telling anyone

  • Sale!

    Hacker U Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.74.Current price is: $4.59.

    Tyler a small town computer whiz is recruited into the top computer science programs in the country by an exSilicon Valley hotshot turned professor He is quickly seduced by money and the perks for winning a hackathon and proving himself as one of the Elite In doing so he becomes totally oblivious to the more…

  • Sale!

    Hades wartet – Codename Ganymed – Das gefallene Imperium, Band 6 Ungekrzt Audiobook

    Original price was: $5.46.Current price is: $4.37.

    Endlich kommt ans Tageslicht was es mit dem GanymedProjekt wirklich auf sich hat Der perfide Plan der Hinrady nimmt gefhrliche Zge anAls Konteradmiral Langs Flotte und die 21 Irregulre Legion ber der republikanischen Geheimbasis aus dem Hyperraum kommen steht das System bereits unter Belagerung Eine gewaltige Streitmacht des Feindes war zuerst vor Ort und hat…

  • Sale!

    Halo: Outcasts Audiobook

    Original price was: $28.34.Current price is: $22.67.

    An original novel set in the Halo universebased on the New York Times bestselling video game series 2559 Formerly one of the Covenants greatest and most fearsome warriors Arbiter Thel Vadam is now allied with his former human enemies while deeply entrenched in leading the Sangheili people to a new era of unification But his…

  • Sale!

    Hammer of the Dogs Audiobook

    Original price was: $10.50.Current price is: $8.40.

    A postapocalyptic adventure in Las Vegas for readers of all ages Set in the wasteland of postapocalyptic Las VegasHammer of the Dogsis a literary dystopian adventure filled with highoctane fun starring twentyoneyearold Lash With her hightech skill set and warrior mentality Lash is a master of her own fate as she helps to shield the…

  • Sale!

    Happy Ending Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    A world had collapsed around this mana world that would never shout his praises again The burnedout cities were still and dead the twisted bodies and twisted souls giving him their last salute in death And now he was alone alone surrounded by memories alone and waiting A dictator that could no longer cause the…

  • Sale!

    Harry Harrison: Arm of the Law Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    It wasa big coffinshaped plywood box that looked like it weighed a ton This brawny type just dumped it through the door of the police station and started away I looked up from the blotter and shouted at the truckers vanishing back

  • Sale!

    Harry Harrison: The Repairman Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    This is one of Harry Harrisons marvelous early stories that were published in Galaxy Magazine The Repairman 1958 is well written and a fun SF story of a man getting a job done when the situation seems stacked against him As his boss tells him when he tries to wriggle out of working on this…

  • Sale!

    Harry Harrison: The Stainless Steel Rat Audiobook

    Original price was: $3.57.Current price is: $2.86.

    This is the story that inspired and kicked off the Stainless Steel Rat series of stories and novels by Harry Harrison A slippery con man and thief frustrating every police force on every planet for years he finally meets a worthy adversary in the Special Corps Slippery Jim deGriz the Stainless Steel Rat himself goes…

  • Sale!

    Haru, Zombie Dog Hero Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    Tender character relationships between both pup and human and the myriad fully realized animals Haru meets along his journey combine for a multilayered and thoroughly heartfelt mustreadPublishers Weekly starred review

  • Sale!

    Havanna Audiobook

    Original price was: $9.19.Current price is: $7.35.

    In a postapocalyptic world in 2169 Corey Tusk has been handed down the presidency from his father When he is introduced to a community with telepathic powers and the ability to heal with their hands he discovers that his ancestors were inoculated with DNA changing nanobots during a pandemic generations before Since then society has…

  • Sale!

    Heart Of The Machine Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.49.Current price is: $9.19.

    Caught in the vortex of a nuclear attack John and Samantha Worthington manage to take cover and survive the blast but emerge to find that their town has been virtually obliterated In their search for survivors in nearby cities they soon discover that these attacks have taken place on a grand scale Johns health begins…

  • Sale!

    Heliosphere 2265, Folge 18: Die Wahl Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.61.Current price is: $5.29.

    24 Stunden lang knnen die Menschen im AlzirSystem ihre Stimme abgeben und damit ber das neue Staatsoberhaupt der Solaren Republik entscheiden Whrend die Wahl ihren Lauf nimmt versucht Admiral Isa Jansen mit einer kleinen Gruppe Verbndeter Santana Pendergast zu retten und den Plan des KetariaBundes zu vereiteln Gleichzeitig macht sich Commodore Ashton dazu bereit die…

  • Sale!

    Heliosphere 2265, Folge 19: Hetzjagd Audiobook

    Original price was: $6.61.Current price is: $5.29.

    Commander Kristen Belflair besichtigt mit einer Gruppe Frischlinge Alzir12 als das Chaos zuschlgt Sie erfhrt dass der Anschlag des KetariaBundes das Leben einer ihr nahestehenden Person gekostet hat und sinnt auf Rache Kirby bernimmt das Kommando ber die unfertige JAYDEN CROSS und begibt sich auf eine Hetzjagd durch ein Sonnensystem das sich unaufhrlich verndert In…

  • Sale!

    Hexe Luna sucht den Winter Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    HEXE LUNA SUCHT DEN WINTER Bald ist Weihnachten aber von Schnee fehlt jede Spur Hexe Luna und ihr freches Eichhrnchen Rosi machen sich Sorgen Weihnachten ohne Schnee Niemals Zum Glck kennt das schlaue Hexenbuch die Antwort Der Einzige der helfen kann ist der geheimnisvolle und gut versteckte HERR WINTER Doch wo lebt dieser Herr Winter…