
Showing 1081–1100 of 1163 results

  • Sale!

    Underwater Daughter Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.25.Current price is: $13.80.

    Tunis father began sexually abusing her when she was just four years old Her mother though aware of the abuse was a silent witnessone either incapable or unwilling to interveneand the abuse continued until Tuni was eleven Three years later when Tuni was fourteen she was raped by an adult actor who was part of…

  • Sale!

    Undisputed Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $20.80.

    A memoir of Olympic glory the value of mentorship and the courage to champion your own excellence from the longreigning worlds fastest man Canadian sprinting legend Donovan Bailey From the lush fields of his boyhood in Jamaica to the basketball courts of Oakville where he came of age in one of Canadas most thriving cultural…

  • Sale!

    Unearthed Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    A thrilling mystery woven into a beautifully constructed family memoir Meryl Franks journey to seekthetruth about a beloved and revolutionary cousin a celebrated actress in Vilna before World War II and to answer the question ofhow the next generation should honor the memory of the Holocaust As a child Meryl Frank wasthechosen inheritor of family…

  • Sale!

    Unearthing Audiobook

    Original price was: $27.29.Current price is: $21.83.

    A searing and unforgettable memoir about a family secret revealed by a DNA test the lessons learned in its aftermath and the indelible power of love A moving accountand a reminder of the abundance of experience present in all families and the power and healing that can come from honoring those many truths The Washington…

  • Sale!

    Uneducated Audiobook

    Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

    In this sometimes painful always compelling story of a highschool dropout Peter Goldman Christopher Zara breaks down his winding journey from dropout to journalist and the impact that his background had in the world of privilege

  • Sale!

    Unfinished Woman Audiobook

    Original price was: $23.10.Current price is: $18.48.

    Bloomsbury presents Unfinished Woman by Robyn Davidson read by Kerry Fox Searching captivating and miraculously honest Davidson has a voice we want to travel with and to knowLisa BrennanJobs New York Times bestselling author of Small Fry A spellbinding memoir exploring time and memory home and belonging from the internationally bestselling author of Tracks an…

  • Sale!

    Unforgiving Audiobook

    Original price was: $29.39.Current price is: $23.51.

    In this deeply personal memoir in the vein of Andre Agassis Open and Megan Rapinoes One Life the winningest snowboardcross rider of all time chronicles her career a story of selfgrowth that reveals the secret of her resilience and how she overcame crushing early failure to win Olympic gold

  • Sale!

    Unlocking Your Inner Zelensky Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    This program includes a bonus conversation between the author and editorVolodymyr Zelensky captivated the world when his country was invaded by Russia in February 2022 His appearances were accompanied by countless inspiring statements But theres a single one that informs Unlocking Your Inner Zelensky We are all simple people Jessie Kanzer sees Zelensky as a…

  • Sale!

    Unmasking AI Audiobook

    Original price was: $22.50.Current price is: $18.00.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER The conscience of the AI revolution Fortune explains how weve arrived at an era of AI harms and oppression and what we can do to avoid its pitfalls AI is not coming its here If we answer the beautiful call inside these pages we can decide who we are going to be and…

  • Sale!

    Unraveled Audiobook

    Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

    As a teenager in the 1990s Katie Brown was one of climbings first comp kidsa young natural who along with her peers redefined the image of a strong and successful climber After climbing for less than two years Brown won her first junior national title The next year she became the Junior World Champion at…

  • Sale!

    Unshakeable Will Audiobook

    Original price was: $14.65.Current price is: $11.72.

    Born as the third blind child to an impoverished family in Somalia Yahye Siyads story is full of triumphs and tribulations that allowed him to embrace his life to the fullestThe story begins before he was even born travels abroad alone at the age of seven and endures over twenty years of family separation due…

  • Sale!

    Unspoken Audiobook

    Original price was: $24.14.Current price is: $19.31.

    I was two when the woman I called Mummy told me You came out of another mummys tummy I grew up thinking that my birth mother didnt want me I assumed there mustve been something inherently wrong with me why else would a mother give up her baby

  • Sale!

    Unsung Audiobook

    Original price was: $30.44.Current price is: $24.35.

    An intimate memoir from beloved Australian musician Kate Ceberano featuring her inspirational song lyrics and stories to celebrate four decades of songwriting and recording on the release of her 30th album Kate Ceberano is used to a hush descending as she draws breath to release that magnificent voice but when the whole world quietened in…

  • Sale!

    Up Home Audiobook

    Original price was: $17.50.Current price is: $14.00.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Simmonss evocative account of her remarkable trajectory from Jim Crow Texas where she was the youngest of twelve children in a sharecropping family to the presidencies of Smith College and Brown University shines with tenderness and dignityThe New York Times Book Review Editors Choice A riveting work of literature destined to…

  • Sale!

    V Is For Victory Audiobook

    Original price was: $31.49.Current price is: $25.19.

    A NEW YORKER BEST BOOK OF 2023 Belongs in the library alongside the histories and biographies of Martin Gilbert Arthur Schlesinger Jr and David McCullough Doug Stanton 1 New York Times bestselling author of Horse Soldiers In this epic and definitive history of the American home front during World War II New York Times bestselling…

  • Sale!

    Vaiennetut sotilaat Suomen hylkmt inkerilistaistelijat Audiobook

    Original price was: $14.69.Current price is: $11.75.

    Pala sotahistoriaa josta vaiettiin vuosikymmenten ajanErillinen Pataljoona 6 oli Inkerinmaalla muodostettu joukko joka palveli ensin Saksan armeijan vartiointitehtviss Saksan valtaamalla Neuvostoliiton alueella Syksyll 1943 ryhm siirrettiin Suomeen jossa se taisteli Suomen puolella jatkosodassa Sodan ptytty Suomea puolustaneiden pataljoonaan kuuluneiden inkerilismiesten Neuvostoliiton kansalaisten oli kuitenkin vlirauhansopimuksen mukaisesti palattava kotimaahansa Osa palasi vapaaehtoisesti osa pakeni Ruotsiin ja…

  • Sale!

    Vincent, girasoles contra el mundo Audiobook

    Original price was: $27.29.Current price is: $21.83.

    Vincent quiso exorcizar el dolor a travs de su arte la pintura fue el impulso vital que le garantiz la redencin

  • Sale!

    Viven! El triunfo del espritu humano Audiobook

    Original price was: $19.94.Current price is: $15.95.

    La verdadera historia de los supervivientes de los Andes protagonistas de La sociedad de la nieve la nueva y aclamada pelcula de J A Bayona

  • Sale!

    Voli me vise od svega na svijetu – 1.Dio Audiobook

    Original price was: $23.09.Current price is: $18.47.

    Zivot najvece filmske i kazalisne dive nasih prostora Mire Furlan bio je vise od zivota prepun uzbudjenja velicanstvenih uspjeha padova ljubavi i izdaja U autobiografskoj knjizi dovrsenoj pred preranu smrt Mira Furlan pripovijeda literarno mocno svoj zivot i zivote svojih bliznjih od sudbine majke Branke i oca Ivana te bake Ljube do supruga Gorana i…

  • Sale!

    Vorhang auf und durch Audiobook

    Original price was: $11.54.Current price is: $9.23.

    Die Geschichte von David Berlin einem der grten Schauspieler den die Welt nie gesehen hat David Berlin war immer zur richtigen Zeit am falschen Ort Kurzweilig humorvoll selbstironisch mit einer Prise Melancholie aber immer gerade heraus Das Hrbuch ist ein Spielfilm fr die Ohren